Ideas for work at Home

At the moment, teachers are not able to prepare work for individual children who are at home, either in self isolation or by parental choice. This is because they are still preparing work for children in school and it will change if the school closes completely.

However, the following are some ideas and suggestions of things you can do/websites to access if your child is at home now:

  1. Please hear your child read or encourage them to read for at least 20 minutes every day
  2. Baking or cooking gives opportunities to practise reading (recipes) and measuring (ingredients)
  3. Board games or card games often teach reasoning, strategy, turn taking etc.
  4. Gardening can be used to support scientific knowledge e.g. what do plants need to grow? How tall has your plant grown? How can we stop it being eaten by slugs?
  5. The websites below provide some ideas that may be useful:

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