Author: Deleted User


Dear Parents,

Firstly, can I thank you for your continuing support and kind messages. The staff are all working very hard to make school fun and safe for the children and it is lovely when they have a message that lets them know their efforts are appreciated.


We have working on the plans for Christmas in school as these will be very different this year. We want to make it a special time for the children but, of course, we are unable to do our usual things. The main changes are:

1) There will be no Christmas Dinner this year because of the staggered lunchtimes. We just can’t fit all the children in the canteens safely so, with regret, have decided against it.

2) There will be no Christmas Concerts this year and we have made the decision not to make a recording. This is because, without an audience, we feel the children will not neccessarily enjoy- they love to perform to family and friends. However, we are aware Year 6 will miss out so we are hoping to put on a different type of Year 6 Leavers’ Concert with more of a ‘pantomime feel’ to enable them to have speaking parts in July (Covid allowing).

3) We are asking that the children do not bring in Christmas cards to school. All the classes will make a special, giant Christmas card to share in school instead.

4) All the children will get a small gift from Santa, even though he can’t visit in person! Please let the class teacher know via dojo if you do not want your child to bring home an item from school at the moment.

5) We will have a ‘hot chocolate’ bonanza in each class ‘bubble’ during December. The children will be able to make up hot chocolate from a choice of ingredients (cream, marshmallows etc)

6) Each class will have a Christmas film and popcorn afternoon

7) Children can wear Christmas jumpers to school throughout December if they/you would like.

We may have other ideas- if so, more information will follow.

Enterprise Events

The children in the juniors are busy making items for their Enterprise topic. Once again I am amazed by their efforts and attitude. We have some budding entrepreneurs in school! You will be able to order items if you would like and your child’s class teacher will contact you via dojo to let you know how to do this. Payment will be taken via Parent Pay but please do not put money in until you have details from the class teacher.

Covid 19 reminders

Thank you so much to the vast majority of parents who are wearing masks in school. It is much appreciated.

We have a Covid 19 email address that is checked regularly during out of school hours, including weekends. If you have any Covid related information outside school hours, please let us know via this email address which is:

The email should contain your child’s name, class and a phone number. A member of the school leadership team will contact you as soon as possible after receiving the email.

We have had issues with siblings being sent to school when another child in the household has a high temperature, loss of taste and smell or a cough. In a couple of cases, parents have been rude to staff when asked to collect children. I would like to remind parents that staff are only doing their job in challenging circumstances and it is important they are treated with respect. We understand the frustration and confusion during these strange times but we always follow the guidelines set out by the Welsh Assembly or Public Health Wales. These guidelines clearly state that if any member of a household has Covid symptoms, the whole household should isolate. They can be found by following the link below:

Sponsorship Prize

We are so grateful for your support with the recent sponsorship events. We raised over £1500! Each class has been given £30 to spend and we have provided boxes of playground activities for all the junior classes. In addition, we are looking to put something more permanent in the infant playground to add to our pirate ship! Watch this space for more details.

The winner of the £100 Amazon voucher following the Sponsorship Event is Elijah Rodd in Reception. Well done Elijah!

Stay Safe,

Mrs Woodford

Further Confirmed Case of Covid 19

We have had a second confirmed case of Covid 19 today in a member of staff. There are no identified close contacts so you do not need to take any action. A letter approved by Track, Trace and Protect is below:

Friday 13th November 2020

Dear Parent or Carer,

Re: Information regarding a confirmed case of coronavirus in a member of staff at Crynallt Primary School, Afan Valley Road, Cimla, Neath, SA11 3AZ

 NHS Wales Test, Trace, Protect has been informed of a confirmed case of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in Crynallt Primary School.

Crynallt Primary School, remains open. It is working closely with Public Health Wales, the Local Authority and NHS Wales Test, Trace and Protect to ensure that all the appropriate measures are in place to protect students, staff and the wider community. This letter is to inform you of the current situation and to provide advice on how to support your child.

 All close contacts of the case have been identified and have received appropriate advice to self-isolate. Your child has not been identified as a close contact and therefore does not need to self-isolate and does not require testing for COVID-19. They can continue to attend Crynallt Primary School, as usual.

However, as a precaution, please be alert for any symptoms of COVID-19:

  • A new or continuous cough
  • A high temperature
  • A loss of or change to sense of smell or taste

 If your child develops any of these symptoms, even if they are mild: 

  • Book a test for them by phoning 01639 862757 or 119 or through the online portal:
  • Inform Crynallt Primary School that they are unwell with COVID-19 symptoms and that you have requested a test
  • Your child should self-isolate for 10 days from when their symptoms started
  • All other household members should isolate for 14 days from when your child developed symptoms
  • Do not visit a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital but if you require medical advice please contact NHS 111 or telephone your GP; if there is a medical emergency phone 999
  • Please follow the advice provided when your child receives their test result

To reduce the risk of COVID-19 spreading, there are things that everyone in your family can do to help. These include:

  • washing hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds
  • using hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
  • washing hands as soon as they get home
  • covering their mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve (not their hands) when they cough or sneeze
  • putting used tissues in the bin immediately and washing hands afterwards

Further information on symptoms and self-isolation can be found here

Further formation on Test, Trace, Protect can be found here

 For general information on COVID-19 

The COVID-19 online symptom checker can tell you if you need medical help and advise you what to do 


With best wishes

Helen Woodford (Headteacher)

Confirmation of Positive Case of Covid 19 in school

We have had a confirmed case of Covid 19 in a member of staff. There are no identified close contacts so you do not need to take any action. A letter approved by Track, Trace and Protect can be found below:

Friday 13th November 2020


Dear Parent or Carer,


Re: Information regarding a confirmed case of coronavirus in a member of staff at Crynallt Primary School, Afan Valley Road, Cimla, Neath, SA11 3AZ

 NHS Wales Test, Trace, Protect has been informed of a confirmed case of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in Crynallt Primary School.

Crynallt Primary School, remains open. It is working closely with Public Health Wales, the Local Authority and NHS Wales Test, Trace and Protect to ensure that all the appropriate measures are in place to protect students, staff and the wider community. This letter is to inform you of the current situation and to provide advice on how to support your child.

All close contacts of the case have been identified and have received appropriate advice to self-isolate. Your child has not been identified as a close contact and therefore does not need to self-isolate and does not require testing for COVID-19. They can continue to attend Crynallt Primary School, as usual.

However, as a precaution, please be alert for any symptoms of COVID-19:

  • A new or continuous cough
  • A high temperature
  • A loss of or change to sense of smell or taste

If your child develops any of these symptoms, even if they are mild:

  • Book a test for them by phoning 01639 862757 or 119 or through the online portal:
  • Inform Crynallt Primary School that they are unwell with COVID-19 symptoms and that you have requested a test
  • Your child should self-isolate for 10 days from when their symptoms started
  • All other household members should isolate for 14 days from when your child developed symptoms
  • Do not visit a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital but if you require medical advice please contact NHS 111 or telephone your GP; if there is a medical emergency phone 999
  • Please follow the advice provided when your child receives their test result

 To reduce the risk of COVID-19 spreading, there are things that everyone in your family can do to help. These include:

  • washing hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds
  • using hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
  • washing hands as soon as they get home
  • covering their mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve (not their hands) when they cough or sneeze
  • putting used tissues in the bin immediately and washing hands afterwards

Further information on symptoms and self-isolation can be found here

Further formation on Test, Trace, Protect can be found here

For general information on COVID-19

The COVID-19 online symptom checker can tell you if you need medical help and advise you what to do

With best wishes

Helen Woodford (Headteacher)


Information from School

Dear Parents/Carers,

Following yesterday’s request from the Local Authority that parents wear face masks on school grounds and the subsequent Facebook comments, I would like to provide you with the following information and reminders:

  1. The school will always, without exception, follow the advice of the Local Authority and the Welsh Assembly Government. We are not medically trained and, whilst we appreciate that there are many different views on the Covid 19 pandemic, we can not afford to ignore the advice that we are given.
  2. There were comments about the arrangements at the end of the day letting some children out. I have reminded parents often of the importance of arriving in school at the correct time to drop off and collect children as well as the need to socially distance on the school grounds. However, the system before half term became impossible to manage as, in some classes, children were being collected from 2.55pm-3.30pm for no apparent reason. This impacted on teaching for the whole class as teachers cannot be at the door and teaching a lesson at the same time! In addition, the point of staggered entry and exit times is to minimise the number of people on site. If parents are on site early this defeats the purpose!
  3. For the reason above children should now be dropped off at the correct time and collected at the correct time. This has always been the case before the Covid 19 pandemic so should not be an issue now. The only exception to this is if you have a sibling who is in school at different times. If this is the case, please make sure you have sent a dojo message/rung the school office to inform class teachers. They will ensure that siblings are ready to collect early.
  4. If parents arrive in school on time and wait in the designated areas, observing social distancing there is plenty of space and there should be no issues. Please see below for a reminder of times and waiting areas for each class.
  5. If you do need to collect your child before the designated time, please sign them out in the main office as you always have done. The office staff will then ring class and arrange for your child to be brought to you.
  6. You have been requested to wear face masks by the Local Authority when on school grounds. Whilst this may be uncomfortable and inconvenient, it may also help in some small way to reduce transmission of this virus. It certainly won’t do any harm! I would like to thank all the parents who have complied with this request.
  7. For those of you who have read comments about us refusing to hand children over if parents are not in masks, this is not the case. We rely on parents working with us to make the school as safe as possible and do not have the resources to ‘police’ every adult who comes to school. Instead, we are asking the whole community to work together, remain positive and support the school through these difficult times.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Woodford

Infant Entry and Exit




Children will be  taken to the playground via the door they came in. Parents should wait, observing social distancing

Reception 8.45am

Reception door

1JE 8.45AM

Usual door

1MF 8.45AM

Main Entrance

2 JB 9.00AM

Usual door



Junior Entry and Exit

Class Times


3KR 9.00am- 3.30pm


Year 3 door. Please wait in the lower junior yard by the staffroom at pick up time. Children will be sent/brought to you.
2/3LM 9.00am- 3.30pm



Mian entrance. Please queue at the steps by the main entrance. Children will be released and you can walk down the ramp.




Year 3 door. Please wait in the lower junior yard by the staffroom at pick up time. Children will be sent/brought to you.
4LG 8.45-3.15pm


Mian entrance. Please queue at the steps by the main entrance. Children will be released and you can walk down the ramp.
5DG 8.45-3.15pm


Children can walk round and enter via the Upper Playground door next to the hall
5SP 8.45-3.15pm


Children can walk round and enter via the Upper Playground door next to the Year 6 classes
6CN 8.30-3.00pm


Children can walk round and enter via the Upper Playground door next to the Year 6 classes
6AC 8.30-3.00pm


Main Entrance
6BG 8.30am-3.00pm


Children can walk round and enter via the Upper Playground door next to the hall

Letter from the Director of Education

Dear Parent/Carer,


Please find below a link to a letter from the Director of Education. This letter outlines some important points regarding the continuing efforts to maintain a safe environment in school. You will notice that the Local Authority have asked parents to use face masks on the school site when dropping off and collecting children as well as when they visit school.

Many thanks,

Mrs Woodford

Letter Parents 091120

News from School 6th November 2020

Dear Parent/Carers,

We have had a lovely week in school.

The children have been delightful and they have really worked hard. Nursery have been making bird feeders for their garden, our Coedwig class have taken delivery of mountain bikes and all the junior children have enjoyed playing with their new ‘playground’ boxes; we have some lovely chalk drawing on the playgrounds! The infant classes will be choosing some playtime resources of their own over the next few weeks as well. The juniors are now working hard on their Enterprise activities and, once again, I have been so impressed by their ideas and attitude.

For Children in Need next week we will be having a non-uniform day and be doing fun activities in class. Children can wear their own clothes and paint spots on their faces or have funky hair styles but no fancy dress clothes please. We will not be collecting money so please donate independently of school if you would like.

I would like to remind to all parents that Class Dojo should not be used to make complaints to teachers under any circumstances. Teachers are working hard at the moment under difficult circumstances and receiving a complaint to their phones in the evening or on the weekend is not appropriate.  I am very happy to chat to any parents about any issue or you can email the school ( and we will get back to you as soon as we possibly can.

We are working on activities for Remembrance Day in school at the moment and the children are making and decorating poppies which will be displayed across the school. Year 5 are also taking part in a challenge to raise funds for the Poppy Appeal- more news will follow about this from the Year 5 class teachers.

Thank you again for the support and kind messages we continue to receive. This makes a real difference to us all.

Take care and have a lovely weekend- hopefully in the sun!

Mrs Woodford

Updates from School

Dear Parents/Carers,


It has been lovely to see the children back today and I hope you all managed to have a good half term, despite the dreadful weather and lockdown!


I have some information, reminders and updates for you:



There was some concern this morning about windows remaining open in school. I can confirm that we are ventilating the school as much as possible as well as putting the heating on for longer. This is not a unilateral school decision but is Local Authority policy based on the latest guidance from the Welsh Assembly which states:


Schools and Settings should ensure adequate levels of ventilation…… Where schools rely on natural ventilation including opening windows and doors to provide a supply of fresh air, this practice should continue to improve ventilation. 


However, this can and will be altered if the weather is very cold or wet. In this case windows may only be opened a small amount/ fewer windows will be open and classrooms will be ventilated before and after the school day.


As mentioned already, it is a good idea to send children to school in warm clothing appropriate for outdoor learning but  if you would like to send your child into school with an extra layer of clothing in case they become cold please do so. They can always take a layer off if they get hot. Please make sure all clothing is named in case children do want to take layers off during the day. 



Although around 80% of parents are following procedures in school, I had several parents concerned about social distancing this morning.  

It’s really important that we work together to keep our children and their families safe and keep the school open, especially as cases of Covid 19 are rising. Can I appeal again for all parents and carers to follow the systems in place? We understand that as the weather gets colder and wetter this may be inconvenient,  but the whole school community can achieve the safest possible environment by working together.

Quick reminders:

  • Please enter the school site via the front entrance at the correct time. Do not come early.
  • Please make sure your child brings everything they need to school and that they arrive on time. The school office is exceptionally busy at the moment and we need the support of everyone to keep things operating efficiently.
  • If your child is ill, please let the school know. This morning office staff  had to ring 24 families to find out why children were absent and this takes a lot of time. You can message through Schoop, use the Covid email address if the absence is Covid related or phone the school office
  • If you drop children in Miss Evans, Miss Hawes and Mr Bridgman’s classes, please leave via the back entrance unless you are dropping junior children off OR you have mobility issues/buggies. In this case, please walk up the DRIVE not the path until you get to the zebra crossing where you can leave via the path around the bus bay.
  • All parents dropping junior children should leave via the path around the bus bay.
  • Parents dropping children at nursery and Mr Fitchett’s classes can also leave via the driveway/bus bay.



A reminder that all schools have been advised to provide parents with a single email address that they should use to inform head teachers of positive cases of COVID-19.

It is as follows:

The email should contain your child’s name, class and a phone number.

A member of the school leadership team will contact you as soon as possible after receiving the email.



The updated risk assessment relating to Covid 19 has now been uploaded to the website.


On a number of occasions recently staff have been subjected to rudeness from parents, including shouting and having the phone put down on them. The reasons for this are varied and include parents being stressed by the current circumstances and sometimes because they say they are not aware of events and INSET Days.

As a school, we expect our staff to behave with respect towards children and parents but we also expect the same for our staff in their place of work. I would like to take this opportunity to remind parents that we have a zero tolerance policy towards rudeness directed at staff who are working tirelessly at this difficult time.  I am happy to discuss any issue you may have so please contact the school to speak with myself or Mrs Bridgman.

We also work hard to communicate with parents and I would respectfully remind you to ensure you have downloaded Schoop or you check the school website to read the messages (under the news tab) very regularly. If you have Facebook the parents’ Facebook page is another source of information and during these difficult times, messages from school are being uploaded there.


Christmas will be very different for the children in school this year but we are now thinking of socially distanced ideas for celebrating. More details of this will follow.

Stay Safe,

Mrs Woodford

News from School

Dear Parents/Carers,

I have sent out so many messages about Covid 19, I thought it would be a good idea to have a Covid free one!

Sponsored Event

Firstly, I would like to thank you all for your generosity with our sponsored events. We have raised well over £1,500 which means we will be able to buy resources for all the classes for playtime. These have already started to come into school as you can see below.


It has been the strangest term but throughout the staff have worked tirelessly to keep children safe and deliver an interesting curriculum. The children have benefited from all kinds of activities including fossil hunting, forest schools, dinosaur maths, spy science, film making, Spy School Days, thinking skills activities, Kahoot quizes, code breaking and learning about electricity. I would like to thank all the staff for their hard work, but also congratulate the children for their resilience and positivity. Well done all!


Unfortunately, there have been a couple of unpleasant comments on Facebook again about staff. Can I please remind parents that Facebook is not an appropriate place to vent frustrations, most of which are innaccurate. Staff cannot reply to this type of negativity and it is always a one sided point of view. Please contact the school if you have any issues. I am happy to discuss any concerns or suggestions with parents and carers.

Enterprise Fortnight

As part of our Curriculum Pioneer work, all the Junior classes will again be carrying out an Enterprise Project in November. Each class will be given £25 to buy materials and they will work out costs and prices before taking on different roles in their ‘business’!

As you are aware, we cannot hold an event like the one we had last year when parents, LEA staff and local business were able to come and see the children’s work. However, we will be running Enterprise online instead. Your child’s class teacher will send more information nearer to the time.

The Infants will be making Christmas Cards to sell for their classes and these will be displayed and orders taken separately in the next few weeks.

The profit each class makes will be given directly to the class to spend on treats or equipment that they chose. This could include wet playtime games, a film afternoon with refreshments, sponsoring an acre of Rainforest, charitable donations or art and craft activities. The choice is the children’s and they are usually very imaginative!

Drinks and snacks in school

Just a reminder that all children should bring a named water bottle to school. This can be filled up during the day. Pupils may also bring a fruit snack to school. We do not allow any other type of snack, including cereal or fruit bars.

I hope you all have a restful half term and we look forward to seeing the children back in school on Tuesday 3rd November.

Warm regards,

Mrs Woodford