Dear Parents,
Firstly, can I thank you for your continuing support and kind messages. The staff are all working very hard to make school fun and safe for the children and it is lovely when they have a message that lets them know their efforts are appreciated.
We have working on the plans for Christmas in school as these will be very different this year. We want to make it a special time for the children but, of course, we are unable to do our usual things. The main changes are:
1) There will be no Christmas Dinner this year because of the staggered lunchtimes. We just can’t fit all the children in the canteens safely so, with regret, have decided against it.
2) There will be no Christmas Concerts this year and we have made the decision not to make a recording. This is because, without an audience, we feel the children will not neccessarily enjoy- they love to perform to family and friends. However, we are aware Year 6 will miss out so we are hoping to put on a different type of Year 6 Leavers’ Concert with more of a ‘pantomime feel’ to enable them to have speaking parts in July (Covid allowing).
3) We are asking that the children do not bring in Christmas cards to school. All the classes will make a special, giant Christmas card to share in school instead.
4) All the children will get a small gift from Santa, even though he can’t visit in person! Please let the class teacher know via dojo if you do not want your child to bring home an item from school at the moment.
5) We will have a ‘hot chocolate’ bonanza in each class ‘bubble’ during December. The children will be able to make up hot chocolate from a choice of ingredients (cream, marshmallows etc)
6) Each class will have a Christmas film and popcorn afternoon
7) Children can wear Christmas jumpers to school throughout December if they/you would like.
We may have other ideas- if so, more information will follow.
Enterprise Events
The children in the juniors are busy making items for their Enterprise topic. Once again I am amazed by their efforts and attitude. We have some budding entrepreneurs in school! You will be able to order items if you would like and your child’s class teacher will contact you via dojo to let you know how to do this. Payment will be taken via Parent Pay but please do not put money in until you have details from the class teacher.
Covid 19 reminders
Thank you so much to the vast majority of parents who are wearing masks in school. It is much appreciated.
We have a Covid 19 email address that is checked regularly during out of school hours, including weekends. If you have any Covid related information outside school hours, please let us know via this email address which is:
The email should contain your child’s name, class and a phone number. A member of the school leadership team will contact you as soon as possible after receiving the email.
We have had issues with siblings being sent to school when another child in the household has a high temperature, loss of taste and smell or a cough. In a couple of cases, parents have been rude to staff when asked to collect children. I would like to remind parents that staff are only doing their job in challenging circumstances and it is important they are treated with respect. We understand the frustration and confusion during these strange times but we always follow the guidelines set out by the Welsh Assembly or Public Health Wales. These guidelines clearly state that if any member of a household has Covid symptoms, the whole household should isolate. They can be found by following the link below:
Sponsorship Prize
We are so grateful for your support with the recent sponsorship events. We raised over £1500! Each class has been given £30 to spend and we have provided boxes of playground activities for all the junior classes. In addition, we are looking to put something more permanent in the infant playground to add to our pirate ship! Watch this space for more details.
The winner of the £100 Amazon voucher following the Sponsorship Event is Elijah Rodd in Reception. Well done Elijah!
Stay Safe,
Mrs Woodford