PDG Grant Spending Plan

Pupil Deprivation Grant 2024-2025

The school receives a total of £139,150

PDG Funding = £106,950

EYPDG Funding = £32,200

The purpose of the Pupil Development Grant is to improve the educational attainment of pupils from low income families and who are entitled to free school meals (FSM). Schools are expected to maximise the use of this funding by introducing sustainable strategies which will quickly lead to improved outcomes for pupils entitled to free school meals.

The following shows how the school plans to spend the PDG in the 2024-2025 academic year:

Target/Actions Cost Monitoring Success Criteria
Target 1:The school will be planning interventions/support that focus on improving the attainment of pupils from deprived backgrounds, regularly monitoring pupils’ progress and evaluating the impact of the intervention.

These interventions to include:

1)To employ LSA’s to support targeted pupils in the Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2 literacy and numeracy skills through:

  • A range of ALN interventions
  • Small group daily literacy and numeracy sessions
  • Language Link and Speechlink
  • Precision Monitoring
  • Read, Write Inc catch up groups and one to one training


2) Employ LSAs to develop the emotional wellbeing of pupils through running:

  • Relationship Based Play sessions to support pupils’ with their social skills;
  • ELSA and Talkabout sessions to support the emotional literacy of our most vulnerable pupils;
  • Individual daily wellbeing 1:1 check ins with specific pupils;
  • Sensory circuits to help pupils regulate before starting lessons;
  • Wellbeing Nurture sessions
  • Wellbeing Forest School sessions


Total £68,520

Total £62,626

HT/DHT/ALNCO will meet in November 2024, February 2025, April 2025 and June 2025 to review progress of individual pupils Pupils attainment in RWI will improve with 80% of individuals reading and spelling within 6 months of their chronological age90% of pupils who receive Speech and Language Link interventions will score within the average range at re-assessment

80% of Literacy and Numeracy related IDP targets will be met over the 2022-2023 academic year

Individual targets to be monitored and reviewed every half term.

Target 2:To provide non-contact time for the ALNCO to lead and monitor the effectiveness of:

  • Individual interventions
  • PDG grant spending
  • Pupil progress
  • IDP Reviews and Person Centred Planning
  • 4+1 reviews for pupils accessing inclusive learning provision
Total £8160 Pupil progress measured half termly and against cost of provision.

Total: £139,306