Coedwig is a Learning Support Centre for pupils from across the Local Authority with additional Social, Emotional and Behavioural needs. (SEBD)
Coedwig is housed in our lower school building and encompasses 2 specialist classrooms, a creative room, communal area, Sensory room, ‘chill out’ spaces and an outdoor play area.

We offer an alternative curriculum which develops pupils’ Executive Functions (mental skills that include working memory, flexible thinking, and self-control), Key Skills (Literacy, Numeracy & digital competency) and Life Skills (cooking, staying safe, using money etc)
Pupils have access to the following interventions: –
- Emotional Literacy Support (ELSA)
- Relationship based play (RBP)
- Sensory Circuits
- Speech & Language Link
- Lego Therapy
- Motional
Staff work closely with, and have access to support from: –
- School-based Play Therapist
- Occupational Therapy Team
- Well-being Team
- Speech and Language Therapists
- ASD advisory team
- Educational Psychologist
Pupils have weekly swimming lessons, cycling sessions and cookery classes.
We use Read, Write Inc and Reading Eggs to develop Literacy skills and White Rose Maths to develop Numeracy skills.
Pupils have lots of opportunities for outside learning.

Cooking Sessions
Coedwig Staff
Lead and ALNCO – Miss Williams
Coedwig Teacher – Miss Challenger

I grew up in the Neath Valleys and attended University of Wales Trinity Saint David where I qualified as a teacher in 2021. After spending some time working with Year 6 pupils in Crynallt, who required more teacher intervention in their learning and providing in-house cover in a range of classes, I made the move to Coedwig. I have always wanted to work with pupils with additional learning needs and have invested time in professional development to ensure I have the skills to best support pupils in this environment. I am currently completing a diploma in Trauma Informed Practice. I love working in the SEBD provision and building positive relationships with the pupils. I have found that my fun but firm approach to teaching has helped. I work alongside a fantastic and very supportive team and together we aim to provide the best learning environment for all pupils.
Both classes have Key Workers and Learning Support staff