Updates week beginning 12th October

Dear Parent/Carers,

Here are this week’s updates.

Sponsored Events:

You should have heard from your child’s class teacher regarding their classes chosen sponsored event. Whilst we are aiming to raise some money for playground boxes/wet playtime activities, we also want the children to have a fun day. Classes have chosen a range of different events including a Spy School Sponsored Day, bike rides and Just Dance!

If you would like to send in sponsor money, please put it in a clearly labelled envelope so we are able to issue a raffle tickt for the £100 Amazon voucher. If you prefer there is an option to put sponsorship money onto Parent Pay. The minimum amount you can pay via this method is £1 and you are able to pay repeated, varying amounts if you woud like. Please make sure you assign the money to the Sponsorship event NOT dinner money.

Whilst we do want to raise money for the children, we also want to keep everyone safe so please do not allow your children to knock on doors to get sponsorship money. Children will be able to join in with the fun regardless of whether they bring in money or not.

Curriculum news:

The children are having real fun with their topics. Children in Year 5 have been writing Good Spy/Bad Spy information texts and the Year 6 children are busy planning their Spy School. In the infants, Reception have been learning diosaurs song, making dinosaur pictograms and have loved their Autumn Treasure Hunt which they completed on their welly walk. Years 1 and 2 have been making their own fossils and hatching dinosaur eggs! It is lovely to see the enthusisam with which our pupils are approaching their learning. Well done to all of them!

General reminders:

  1. We now have around 90% of parents following the systems in place to keep the school safe. Thank you so much to all the school community for working so hard to support our pupils safety and education.
  2. INSET Days: 2nd November, 21st December, 22nd December.
  3. Dinner Money: we still have approximately £500 outstanding in dinner money. Again, the vast mjority of parents pay promptly so, if you are behind, please pay as soon as possible. If you have any issues with this, please contact the school office to discuss.
  4. A reminder that if any member of your household has Covid 19 symptoms your child must not attend school for 14 days or until a negative test result is obtained.
  5. If you have any information about Covid 19 which you need to share with school outside normal working hours (especially a positive test result), please use the email address specifically for this purpose: covid.crynalltprimary@npt.gov.uk. You will need to include a phone number and your child’s name and class so that a member of the school’s leadership team can contact you if needed

End of school:

We have had some children running or jumping down the bank by the infant car park at the end of the school day. I am really concerned a child could injure themselves or damage staff cars as we had a near miss last week! Please do not allow your children to run, jump or roll down this bank.


The supportive messages we continue to get from parents and carers are really having a positive impact on staff wellbeing at the moment. Whilst we are all settling in to ‘the new normal’ it is still a strange time for everyone and knowing that we have such great support from you all helps enormously. Thank you very much.

Stay Safe,

Mrs Woodford



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