Updates from School

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Here are this week’s updates and information.

Positive Covid 19 Case

We have had our first positive case of Covid19 in school. This was reported to me this morning. This has affected Miss Todd’s class only and Mrs. Bridgman and I have made contact with all identified close contacts from school this morning. The affected areas have also been deep cleaned today.

The rest of the school will run as usual on Monday. Letters from Track, Trace and Protect will be uploaded onto the school website later today for all parents and carers. There are 2 different letters:

1) for the parents of children in Miss Todd’s class

2)  for the parents of all other pupils.

Systems in school

As mentioned in previous emails, we can keep the school as safe as possible for everyone if we all keep to the correct timings and one way systems. This is especially important now cases are rising again. While most parents are adhering to this we have noted a few issues this week. These include:

1) Parents of children in Years 1 and 2 walking back up the drive instead of through the back entrance when the drop off/pick up their children. This is a reminder that  all parents of pupils in Miss Evans’ class, Mr. Bridgman’s class and Mr. Fitchett’s class that they should walk out of school via the back entrance unless they have buggies or mobility issues.

2) A small minority of parents stopping to chat in the lower junior playground, on the path round to the top junior playground and at the entrance to the school. This makes it difficult for others to socially distance.

3) We still have children arriving at school or being collected very early, even if they have no siblings. This is causing disruption to learning and reducing the effectiveness of the staggered entry and exit times. As a result, after half term, pupils will not be taken into class or released early unless they have siblings who have different start/finish times. In this event, the sibling who starts earliest should be dropped first and, at the end of the day, picked up first.

Worms and Headlice

We still have headlice throughout school so please check your child’s hair carefully this weekend. We also have reported cases of worms in Year 5. An enhanced clean has been completed in these classrooms.

Other news:

As we approach the end of the first half term of the year, it has been lovely to see the children so settled back in school. They have been amazing!

Some of the recent activities include: a sponsored ECO day in Year 4 which saw the children making environmental art and looking after the school grounds, some lovely work on Children’s Rights in Year 6 and a sponsored bike ride in Reception. Year 1 have been learning about paleontology by recovering fossils from ice and Year 3 have been hunting for Spy Fox in the woods as well as making their own videos as part of film week.

Stay safe,

Mrs Woodford

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