
Dear Parents/ Carers,

Please find below the latest updates and information from school:

Thank you

Thank you so much for your efforts in keeping the school safe. Nearly all parents are following the systems in place at the beginning and end of the school day. Breakfast Club has re-opened sucessfully and we continue to work as a whole community to keep everyone as safe as possible.

Birthday treats

One slight change is that we are not  allowing children to bring in cakes/treats for their birthdays at all. I must apologise for any confusion about this as I believe messages have been inconsistent previously with a few children bringing in individually wrapped treats. However, with cases of Covid 19 rising we are now not allowing any further items in school. I appreciate this is a pity for children and we will continually review this throughout the year.

Worms and Lice!

We have had a case of worms in Year 5 so can I ask parents to be vigilant please? Also, we still have a few cases of headlice so, again, can you check your child’s hair?


We have INSET days will be on Monday 2nd November 2020, Monday 21st December and Tuesday 22nd December 2020.

Covid 19 email address

All schools have been advised to provide parents with a single email address that they should use to inform head teachers if their child has a confirmed positive case of COVID-19 outside school hours.

It is as follows: covid.crynalltprimary@npt.gov.ukThe email should contain your child’s name, class and a phone number. This email address is monitored throughout the evenings/weekends and a member of the school leadership team will contact you as soon as possible after receiving the email.



In this strange year, many of our usual events have had to be cancelled including Christmas concerts, MacMillan Coffee Mornings and our Enterprise Event.

However, we are anxious to make sure that the children still have fun events safely and that their playtimes are well resourced. For this reason we have arranged two fundraising events.

Sponsored Event:

Each class will hold a sponsored event before half term. On a delegated day each class will choose a sponsored event as well as having games and fun activities in class. These events will have to be staggered as any money we receive into school will have to ‘sit’ for 72 hours securely offsite before we can count and bank it. If you would prefer to pay using Parent Pay there is now an option to do so. Click on the Sponsored Event tab and enter any amount from £1 upwards.

All the money raised through this particular sponsorship will go towards:

  • Class boxes of playtime activities, chosen by the children.
  • A range of alternative Christmas activities to ensure this special time of year is celebrated in school, even if the activities are different from previously.
  • If enough is raised, further loose parts to allow us to have loose parts out for each class. We are unable to use them at the moment because of the logistics of cleaning them between each use.

Every child who raises £1 or more in sponsorship will receive a raffle ticket for a chance to win £100 ‘Amazon Voucher’ and other prizes! If a child raises £5 or more they will receive 2 tickets, £10 or more 3 tickets and £15 or more 4 tickets. This should add a little extra excitement to the day! We have not sent sponsorship forms home due to Covid 19 restrictions. Please send your child’s sponsorship money into school in a named envelope on the day of the event.

Please note that we are aware that this is a difficult time for some families. Every child will join in with the activities regardless of them bringing in sponsorship money.

Enterprise Fortnight

As part of our Curriculum Pioneer work, all the Junior classes will again be carrying out an Enterprise Project in November. Each class will be given £25 to buy materials and they will work out costs and prices before taking on different roles in their ‘business’!

Sadly, we cannot hold an event like the one we had last year when parents, LEA staff and local business were able to come and see the children’s work. However, we will be running Enterprise online instead. Your child’s class teacher will send more information nearer to the time.

The Infants will be making Christmas Cards to sell for their classes and these will be displayed and orders taken separately in the next few weeks.

The profit each class makes will be given directly to the class to spend on treats or equipment that they chose. This could include wet playtime games, a film afternoon with refreshments, sponsoring an acre of Rainforest, charitable donations or art and craft activities. The choice is the children’s.

Once again, thank you for your support. Stay safe,

Helen Woodford


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