Update from School

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Most of you will be working with your children at home over the next weeks/ months. It is going to be a difficult time for us all and I just wanted to set your mind at rest about ‘home schooling’.

Teachers spend many hours in a typical week planning lessons for pupils. Each lesson is planned for different abilities so there may be as many as 4-5 different levels of work on offer. It is impossible for them to provide work at home which mirrors what the children have at school. The work that you have been given is our best attempt at maintaining the children’s skills whilst we are off school. Please do not worry if you are unclear about an activity- none of the work given is compulsory and if you think of an activity that your child would enjoy or you want to replace some of the work/ do something else, it’s fine! Other activities can include gardening, cooking, housework, playing in the garden, animal care, den building, board games, car washing and any other activity you may think of. We do not want anyone to feel they have to complete large amount of academic work each day with their child; there are many ways to educate children and parents are a child’s first teacher!

As a minimum we would ask that your child reads or is read to for 20 minutes a day and that they spend approximately 20 minutes doing some basic counting/number work. This can be counting to 10, 100 etc, times tables, measuring practically, simple addition and subtraction, cutting up food into halves, quarters etc. The other work from school can be used as a ‘pick and mix’- chose the pieces you want to complete with your child.

Below you will find a suggested timetable for a day at home. It provides opportunities for formal learning, play, exercise and fun. It may help you to structure your day. In the meantime please stay safe and keep in contact with your child’s class teacher if you need any advice or support.

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