Latest Updates from School

Dear Parents/Carers,

I have a number of updates and reminders this week.

1) Please support us in getting your child to school at the right time. We have still got children without siblings arriving early (up to 30 minutes!) and many arriving late.  If the numbers of children arriving early continue at the level they are now, we may have to stop children without  entering class before their designated times and we really don’t want to do this. As the number of Covid cases rises we need to ensure we socially distance effectively in school and the staggered entry and exit times are key to this.

2) We currently have over £1,000 of outstanding dinner money debt. This comes out of the school budget which is already under enormous strain due to Covid 19 costs. Please can I appeal to you to pay off this debt immediately?

3) A reminder for the parents who have not yet signed up to Parent Pay.

4) The children have really enjoyed the good weather over the past two weeks and we have managed to get them outside as much as possible. This is beneficial for learning and wellbeing. In general, the children have been amazing. They have adapted really well to the changes in school and have been brialliantly behaved. They are a credit to themselves and you.

5) We have put together packs of work for children who may be off school for more than a few days due to Covid 19 restrictions. If your child is likely to be absent due to track and Trace or a family member having symptoms, please let us know. Alternatively, there are many ideas for activities on our website under the news section. You will need to scroll down and click on ‘Older Posts’ to find them. We will continue to add to these ideas over the term.

6) Please complete the data collection sheets that are now on Schoop. Having up to date contact details for all pupils is essential at the moment.

7) Schools have been informed that they are expected to open Breakfast Clubs in the next couple of weeks. We are currently gathering numbers to see how we can best organise this whilst keeping children in their ‘bubbles’. More information will follow but it is looking unlikely that Breakfast Club will be open to all children every day.

8) We have recently been provided with a Covid specific email address. This is:

If you have any information and concerms about Covid 19 please use this email address at any time to let the school know. It will be checked regularly by members of the Senior Management Team every day, including evenings and weekends. Please inform us immediately if:

  • Your child is showing symptoms of Covid 19
  • You child has been contacted by Track and Trace
  • A member of your household is showing symptoms
  • A member of the household has tested positive
  • Your child has tested positive- it is ESSENTIAL that you contact school immediately if this is the case!

Please include a phone number in your email. We may need to phone you from our homes and do not always have access to records as they are stored in school. We will not always ring you back but may need to, especially if your child does test positive.

A letter detailing our Positive Covid 19 Case Protocol will be published on the school website by tomorrow morning.

Many thanks for your continuing support. It is invaluable during these difficult times and I know staff appreciate the kind and positive comments.

Warm regards,

Mrs Woodford

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