Important Information from School

Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope this message finds you all safe and well. Many of you will have read conflicting reports in the press about the way in which school will reopen in January. Having received clarification from the local authority this morning, I hope this message sets out clearly the arrangements in Crynallt.

We have already planned an INSET day on the 4th January when staff are receiving training on the new Welsh Curriculum. In addition to this the Welsh Assembly Government have provided us with two further days. These days will be used for:

1) Staff training and review of the risk assessment in school as well as ensuring staffing levels are appropriate for a full re-opening of school;

2) To give staff time to work on developing blended and online learning further. This will ensure that if we do have further closures or self isolation periods we are fully prepared with high quality support for pupils.

As a result of these days school will reopen to all pupils as normal on Thursday 7th January. We expect face to face teaching will resume on this day for every class.

The only possible change to this will be if we have significant staff absence which impacts on our ability to open safely. Examples of this may include: a large proportion of teachers off school and no cover available, no First Aiders on site or no Senior Managers on site. To date we have managed to open keeping to all health and safety requirments and it is our aim to continue to do so.

I hope you all have a safe and happy Christmas.

Take care,

Helen Woodford

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