Coronavirus Update

We have had some children being sent to school with new coughs/sore throats etc. Although we understand that many of these children will have a common cold, we have to follow Public Health Wales/ government guidelines. All children who develop a high fever, cough, sore throat etc. should be kept home for 14 days. Government guidelines also state that the entire household have to isolate for 14 days if anyone in the house is ill.

There has been some confusion about the length of time pupils have to self isolate. Please see the information below from Public Health Wales. It is clear that self isolation should be for 14 days, unless you live alone.

People no longer need to contact NHS 111 if they think they may have contracted Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). People with a fever or persistent cough should stay at home for seven days if they live alone, or 14 days if they live with others. Anyone who lives with someone displaying coronavirus symptoms should also stay at home for 14 days. They should not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital. 

The vast majority of parents have been wholly supportive of the school but one or two have questioned the need for their child to stay at home. Whilst we do appreciate that this is a difficult time and some children are at home when they are not very ill, we are following government guidelines strictly. Although this virus is mild for children, pupils may be in contact with vulnerable people, as may staff so it is important we work together to protect all our communities. Children will be sent home if they return to school before the 14 days self isolation period is completed.

8 members of staff are in the ‘vulnerable’ category- if they do catch the virus, they may be affected more than the general population. They have all been offerred the chance to self isolate but all have decided to remain in school at present. As a headteacher, I believe this illustrates the commitment and professionalism of staff, who only want to do what is best for the children in our care.

In the interests of transparency, we have 9 absent members of staff. Miss Todd and Miss Gowling are absent with illnesses that are NOT related to Covid-19. Three further staff, all working in the Learning Support Centre are self isolating due to a cough or family members who have a cough/fever. Mrs Peck and one member of the kitchen staff are also self isolating as they/family members have a cough. Mrs and Mr Bridgman have been sent home today as a member of their family has a high temperature. This has put pressure on staffing so please be patient with us. At present, we are managing due to fewer pupils being in school.

Throughout the week and into next week, we will continue to prepare for the possibility that schools may close for a long period of time. There are already ideas/work on the website and these will be added to as time goes on.

We also have a ‘Social Story’ about Covid-19 which we have been using with children. This explains the basics about the virus and is very useful, especially for more anxious children. We will put a copy of this social story on the website, so parents can share it with their child if they wish.

It is important the children remain hydrated during this time so, for the time being only, we will allow sugar free squash in class in a clearly labelled bottle. Please explain to your child that they should not share drinks. No glass bottles, cans, fizzy drinks, fruit juice or squash with sugar please!

Once again, thank you for your kind messages and ongoing support at this very challenging time. It is really making a difference to staff morale to know that we have so much support from parents/carers.

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