Coronavirus update

Please find below the latest information from the Local Authority regarding Coronavirus. Much of this information is also on the school newsletter and previous posts on this website:

In regards of coronavirus, the local authority has written to all schools to advise that they should follow the guidance provided by Public Health Wales which is regularly updated on their website This website includes specific advice to parents and carers (

Current advice is that schools should consider potential risks whilst continuing to operate as normal.

The council is in close contact with Public Health Wales who is leading on the response to the coronavirus outbreak and have provided assurances that where there are confirmed cases, all relevant parties will be consulted.

Please note that the council has a set of well-established procedures for responding to a range of emergency situations, one of which is the outbreak of infectious diseases.

Public Health Wales has assured us that no additional measures need to be taken above the advice already provided.

The council in partnership with its schools will continue to monitor this situation and communicate relevant messages directly to parents / carers. Please check relevant social media for updates.

O ran coronafirws, mae’r awdurdod lleol wedi ysgrifennu at bob ysgol i gynghori y dylent ddilyn y canllawiau a ddarperir gan Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru sy’n cael ei ddiweddaru’n rheolaidd ar eu gwefan ( . Mae’r wefan hon yn cynnwys cyngor penodol i rieni a gofalwyr (

Y cyngor cyfredol yw y dylai ysgolion ystyried risgiau posibl wrth barhau i weithredu fel arfer.

Mae’r cyngor mewn cysylltiad agos ag Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru sy’n arwain ar yr ymateb i’r achos coronafirws ac wedi rhoi sicrwydd y bydd ymgynghoriad â’r holl bartïon perthnasol lle mae achosion wedi’u cadarnhau.

Sylwch fod gan y cyngor set o weithdrefnau sefydledig ar gyfer ymateb i ystod o sefyllfaoedd brys, ac un o’r rhain yw achosion o glefydau heintus.

Mae Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru wedi ein sicrhau nad oes angen cymryd unrhyw fesurau ychwanegol uwchlaw’r cyngor a ddarparwyd eisoes.

Bydd y cyngor mewn partneriaeth â’i ysgolion yn parhau i fonitro’r sefyllfa hon a chyfleu negeseuon perthnasol yn uniongyrchol i rieni / gofalwyr. Gwyliwch y cyfryngau cymdeithasol arferol am ddiweddariadau.

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