Childcare for Essential Workers

The school has been working with the Local Authority over the last few days in order to arrange a childcare facility for the children of ‘essential workers’. These workers are defined as:

  • health workers – all those employed within the NHS
  • blue light / emergency service officers
  • social care workers
  • supermarket delivery drivers
  • prison officers and other prison staff
  • probation service staff
  • school staff

If you work in any of these occupations, please let the school know if you have not already done so. It is important that we have accurate numbers of pupils so we can staff the childcare appropriately.

It should be pointed out that we are still aiming to practice social distancing so you should not use this childcare if you have a partner at home/other family members who are not high risk available. It is designed to keep frontline staff in work and the healthcare system/ food distribution working across the country. It should only be used when you are working or resting after a night shift. Children who are unwell/self isolating will not be able to attend.

If children are attending this facility it will open at  8.15am for Breakfast Club and will close at 4.00pm. A full day is offered for all children from Nursery to Year 6. Other points to note are:

1) The Childcare Facility will include age appropriate academic work, P.E. Art and Craft, board games, films etc. Staff will plan a range of activities to engage the children.

2) Children do not need to wear school uniform. Please wear clothes that can be used for art, craft and outdoor play.

3) Children should have trainers and a coat so they can do P.E. and go outside (weather permitting).

4) Breakfast and lunch will be provided free or your children can bring a packed lunch.

5) Please provide an extra drink (water or sugar free squash) and piece of fruit for your child’s morning snack.

6) Please make sure the contact details we hold in school are accurate in case of emergencies.

We would be grateful if you could contact the school office if you are an essential worker and you intend to use this facility next week.

Thank you


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