Information for parents except for class 4T

Positive Case of Covid 19

Please find below a letter from Track, Trace and Protect. Only children from Miss Todd’s class have been affected and a separate letter has gone to their parents/carers.

Monday 29th March 2021 

Dear Parent or Carer,

Re: Information regarding a confirmed case of coronavirus in a pupil at Crynallt Primary School, Afan Valley Road, Cimla, Neath, SA11 3AZ 

NHS Wales Test, Trace, Protect has been informed of a confirmed case of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in Crynallt Primary School. 

Crynallt Primary School, remains open for pupils after the Easter Break. It is working closely with Public Health Wales, the Local Authority and NHS Wales Test, Trace and Protect to ensure that all the appropriate measures are in place to protect students, staff and the wider community. This letter is to inform you of the current situation and to provide advice on how to support your child.

 All close contacts of the case have been identified and have received appropriate advice to self-isolate. Your child has not been identified as a close contact and therefore does not need to self-isolate and does not require testing for COVID-19. They can continue to attend Crynallt Primary School, as usual.

 However, as a precaution, please be alert for any symptoms of COVID-19:

  • A new or continuous cough
  • A high temperature
  • A loss of or change to sense of smell or taste

If your child develops any of these symptoms, even if they are mild: 

  • Book a test for them by phoning 01639 862757 or 119 or through the online portal:
  • Inform Crynallt Primary School that they are unwell with COVID-19 symptoms and that you have requested a test
  • Your child should self-isolate for 10 days from when their symptoms started
  • All other household members should isolate for 14 days from when your child developed symptoms
  • Do not visit a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital but if you require medical advice please contact NHS 111 or telephone your GP; if there is a medical emergency phone 999
  • Please follow the advice provided when your child receives their test result

To reduce the risk of COVID-19 spreading, there are things that everyone in your family can do to help. These include:  

  • washing hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds
  • using hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
  • washing hands as soon as they get home
  • covering their mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve (not their hands) when they cough or sneeze
  • putting used tissues in the bin immediately and washing hands afterwards


Further information on symptoms and self-isolation can be found here

Further formation on Test, Trace, Protect can be found here

 For general information on COVID-19   

The COVID-19 online symptom checker can tell you if you need medical help and advise you what to do 


With best wishes

Helen Woodford (Headteacher)

Information for parents with children in Miss Todd’s class ONLY

Dear Parent/Carer,

As you will know by now, there has been a confirmed case of Covid 19 in 4T. Having spoken to Track, Trace and Protect, I can now confirm that all the children and staff in that class have been identified as close contacts and will need to self-isolate. The dates and details of this can be found in the letter below.

I have highlighted a section of the letter which is new. This section recommends that your child is tested for Covid 19 on Day 1 and Day 8 of the self-isolation period. If you wish to arrange this, the first test they should be as soon as possible and the second one should be undertaken on Friday 2nd April.

I will be in school tomorrow so if you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to ring. 

All the best,

Mrs Woodford


Letter from Track, Trace and Protect:


Date: Monday 29th March 2021

Dear Parent or Carer,

Re:    Contact of confirmed case of COVID-19 in a pupil in 4T in Crynallt Primary School

NHS Wales Test, Trace, Protect trace everyone who have been in contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 (Coronavirus).

Your child has been identified as a contact of a confirmed case of COVID-19 and will now need to self-isolate for 10 days from Thursday 25th March 2021. By identifying contacts and asking them to self-isolate for 10 days, we will reduce the possible spread of COVID-19 from those contacts to their family, friends and the wider community.

Self-isolation advice requires your child to stay at home, not to go outdoors to exercise, to visit shops, family or friends, or to other public spaces. Please do not invite people to your house. Further information on self-isolation can be found in the link at the bottom of this letter.

If your child remains well then the other members of the household do not need to isolate and can continue with their normal activities. If your child is still well at the end of the 10-day period of self-isolation, they can return to Crynallt Primary School after the Easter break and their other usual activities on Monday 5th April.

This 10-day period of self-isolation cannot be reduced by having a test.  If you have a test and test negative, you must continue to self-isolate until the end of your isolation period as a contact of a confirmed case.

To reduce the risk of COVID-19 spreading, there are things that everyone in your family can do to help. These include:

  • washing hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds
  • using hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
  • washing hands as soon as they get home
  • covering their mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve (not their hands) when they cough or sneeze
  • putting used tissues in the bin immediately and washing hands afterwards


Please be alert for symptoms of COVID-19 in your child, which are:

  • A new or continuous cough
  • A high temperature
  • A loss of or change to sense of smell or taste


If your child develops any of these symptoms, even if they are mild:

  • Book a test for them by phoning 01639 862757 or 119 or through the online portal:
  • Inform Crynallt Primary School that they are unwell with COVID-19 symptoms and that you have requested a test
  • Your child should remain in self-isolation
  • All other household members should isolate for 10days from when your child developed symptoms
  • Do not visit a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital but if you require medical advice please contact NHS 111 or telephone your GP; if there is a medical emergency phone 999
  • If you require medical advice for COVID-19 symptoms or another reason, please inform the healthcare worker that your child is a contact of a case of COVID-19 and in self-isolation
  • Please follow the advice provided when your child receives their test result


If your child does not have symptoms:

If your child has not tested positive in the last 90 days, your child is advised to get a test (day 1 of isolation) and another test 2 days before the end of self-isolation (day 8). This is because symptoms may still develop within this time period and it is still possible to infect other people with the virus. If the test is positive you will be contacted by TTP again to make sure your child and household have support to self-isolate.


Further formation on Test, Trace, Protect can be found here

Further information on symptoms and self-isolation can be found here

For general information on COVID-19 

The COVID-19 online symptom checker can tell you if you need medical help and advise you what to do 


With best wishes,


Helen Woodford (Headteacher)

Information for all parents EXCEPT for Reception pupils

Positive Case of Covid 19

Please find below a letter from Track, Trace and Protect. Only children from the Reception class have been affected and a separate letter has gone to their parents/carers.

Sunday 28th March 2021 

Dear Parent or Carer,

Re: Information regarding a confirmed case of coronavirus in a pupil at Crynallt Primary School, Afan Valley Road, Cimla, Neath, SA11 3AZ 

NHS Wales Test, Trace, Protect has been informed of a confirmed case of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in Crynallt Primary School. 

Crynallt Primary School, remains open for pupils after the Easter Break. It is working closely with Public Health Wales, the Local Authority and NHS Wales Test, Trace and Protect to ensure that all the appropriate measures are in place to protect students, staff and the wider community. This letter is to inform you of the current situation and to provide advice on how to support your child.

 All close contacts of the case have been identified and have received appropriate advice to self-isolate. Your child has not been identified as a close contact and therefore does not need to self-isolate and does not require testing for COVID-19. They can continue to attend Crynallt Primary School, as usual.

 However, as a precaution, please be alert for any symptoms of COVID-19:

  • A new or continuous cough
  • A high temperature
  • A loss of or change to sense of smell or taste

If your child develops any of these symptoms, even if they are mild: 

  • Book a test for them by phoning 01639 862757 or 119 or through the online portal:
  • Inform Crynallt Primary School that they are unwell with COVID-19 symptoms and that you have requested a test
  • Your child should self-isolate for 10 days from when their symptoms started
  • All other household members should isolate for 14 days from when your child developed symptoms
  • Do not visit a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital but if you require medical advice please contact NHS 111 or telephone your GP; if there is a medical emergency phone 999
  • Please follow the advice provided when your child receives their test result

To reduce the risk of COVID-19 spreading, there are things that everyone in your family can do to help. These include:  

  • washing hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds
  • using hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
  • washing hands as soon as they get home
  • covering their mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve (not their hands) when they cough or sneeze
  • putting used tissues in the bin immediately and washing hands afterwards

 Further information on symptoms and self-isolation can be found here

Further formation on Test, Trace, Protect can be found here

 For general information on COVID-19   

The COVID-19 online symptom checker can tell you if you need medical help and advise you what to do 


With best wishes

Helen Woodford (Headteacher)

Information for the parents of Reception pupils only.

Dear Parent/Carer,

As you will know by now, there has been a confirmed case of Covid 19 in the Reception class in school. Having spoken to Track, Trace and Protect, I can now confirm that all the children and staff in that class have been identified as close contacts and will need to self-isolate. The dates and details of this can be found in the letter below.

I have highlighted a section of the letter which is new. This section recommends that your child is tested for Covid 19 on Day 1 and Day 8 of the self-isolation period. If you wish to arrange this, the first test they should be as soon as possible and the second one should be undertaken on Friday 2nd April.

I will be in school tomorrow so if you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to ring.

All the best,

Mrs Woodford


Letter from Track, Trace and Protect:

 Date: Sunday 28th March 2021

 Dear Parent or Carer,

 Re:    Contact of confirmed case of COVID-19 in a pupil in the Reception class in Crynallt Primary School

 NHS Wales Test, Trace, Protect trace everyone who have been in contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 (Coronavirus).

Your child has been identified as a contact of a confirmed case of COVID-19 and will now need to self-isolate for 10 days from Thursday 25th March 2021. By identifying contacts and asking them to self-isolate for 10 days, we will reduce the possible spread of COVID-19 from those contacts to their family, friends and the wider community.

Self-isolation advice requires your child to stay at home, not to go outdoors to exercise, to visit shops, family or friends, or to other public spaces. Please do not invite people to your house. Further information on self-isolation can be found in the link at the bottom of this letter.

If your child remains well then the other members of the household do not need to isolate and can continue with their normal activities. If your child is still well at the end of the 10-day period of self-isolation, they can return to Crynallt Primary School after the Easter break and their other usual activities on Monday 5th April.

This 10-day period of self-isolation cannot be reduced by having a test.  If you have a test and test negative, you must continue to self-isolate until the end of your isolation period as a contact of a confirmed case.

To reduce the risk of COVID-19 spreading, there are things that everyone in your family can do to help. These include:

  • washing hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds
  • using hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
  • washing hands as soon as they get home
  • covering their mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve (not their hands) when they cough or sneeze
  • putting used tissues in the bin immediately and washing hands afterwards


Please be alert for symptoms of COVID-19 in your child, which are:

  • A new or continuous cough
  • A high temperature
  • A loss of or change to sense of smell or taste


If your child develops any of these symptoms, even if they are mild:

  • Book a test for them by phoning 01639 862757 or 119 or through the online portal:
  • Inform Crynallt Primary School that they are unwell with COVID-19 symptoms and that you have requested a test
  • Your child should remain in self-isolation
  • All other household members should isolate for 10days from when your child developed symptoms
  • Do not visit a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital but if you require medical advice please contact NHS 111 or telephone your GP; if there is a medical emergency phone 999
  • If you require medical advice for COVID-19 symptoms or another reason, please inform the healthcare worker that your child is a contact of a case of COVID-19 and in self-isolation
  • Please follow the advice provided when your child receives their test result


If your child does not have symptoms:

If your child has not tested positive in the last 90 days, your child is advised to get a test (day 1 of isolation) and another test 2 days before the end of self-isolation (day 8). This is because symptoms may still develop within this time period and it is still possible to infect other people with the virus. If the test is positive you will be contacted by TTP again to make sure your child and household have support to self-isolate.


Further formation on Test, Trace, Protect can be found here

Further information on symptoms and self-isolation can be found here

For general information on COVID-19 

The COVID-19 online symptom checker can tell you if you need medical help and advise you what to do 


With best wishes,


Helen Woodford (Headteacher)

Updates from school

Dear Parent/Carers,

 I am sure that you are all aware schools will reopen fully for all our junior pupils on the 15th March.  As a result, I am writing with some reminders and information about the systems and processes that will be in place. At the end of this letter you will find a timetable of staggered start and finish times and reminders about which door your child will come in/leave from.

 What will re-opening look like?

The school continues to update our risk assessment and this can be found on the school website. We follow Welsh Assembly and Local Authority advice at all times. The general points are:

  • Children will be kept in class ‘pods’ of approximately 30 pupils.
  • Each ‘pod’ will be taught by the same two adults. These adults will be the usual class teacher and an LSA. For one morning or afternoon session per week another member of staff will deliver lessons to allow teachers to have planning and preparation time;
  • Where a child needs extra support there may be a further adult in the classroom and if a member of staff is ill there may be supply staff in class;
  • There will be no larger gatherings e.g. assemblies and there will be no indoor P.E. lessons;
  • Entry, exit and dinner times will be staggered to maintain as much social distancing as possible;
  • Some limited intervention programmes will be run for children with additional learning needs but these will be reduced as staff have been redeployed to classroom based work. Teachers will provide appropriately differentiated work in class.
  • Please do not send your child to school with bags or pencil cases. They should bring a named, plastic water bottle and a simple plastic box for packed lunch if needed.
  • Pupils should wear school uniform but with joggers/leggings that are suitable for P.E and outdoor learning. Please wear trainers if possible. Don’t wear open toe shoes or shoes that are not suitable for outdoor learning. Please ensure your child wears a coat.
  • Hot dinners will be provided for children in their class ‘pods’ if wanted but they must be paid for via ParentPay. We cannot accept cash at all.

Is the bus still running from Tonmawr?

Yes, the bus will run as usual. However, due to staggered entry and exit times it will need to drop the children to school by 8.15am and will not be able to leave until 3.45pm. The children will be supervised in Breakfast Club in the morning and by class teachers in the afternoon until it is time to board the bus.

Is Breakfast Club running?

Yes, Breakfast Club will run as normal. If your child was attending before Christmas they will be able to continue to attend. If you want your child to attend and they DID NOT attend before Christmas, please let the school know as we have limited places available. We may need to operate a waiting list.

I have more than one child with different start and finish times? What should I do?

Please drop your child with the earliest start time first. They can come straight into school via the correct door and make their way to class. Then you can make your way to the correct door where your other child/ren will be let in early and supervised until the rest of their ‘pod’ arrives. In the afternoon, at pick up time, please do the reverse. Collect your earliest finishing child first then move on to collect the others from the correct door. Please Dojo the class teachers to let them know your child will be dropped/picked up early.


My child or another member of the family has a new cough and/or a fever. Should I keep my child home?

No child should attend school if either they or a member of their household has a temperature, a new continuous cough or a loss of/change to their taste or smell. Your child should remain at home, in isolation with the rest of the family for 10 days or until a negative test result has been obtained. Please keep the school informed.


How can parents help? What expectations do you have of parents?

To make this return to school successful and as safe as possible we need to ask you for the following:

  • Please talk to your child about the return to school and the importance of following the rules and good behaviour.
  • Please ensure that your child is in school at the correct time and collected at the right time. We will have no system to manage lateness at all. The staggered entry is absolutely key to ensuring that we adhere to social distancing. Please do not wait in the playgrounds before and after school. If you do need to wait at all, please use our coloured spots which will be painted on the playground 2 metres apart.  This will help with social distancing;
  • Please follow the one way system in place and wear a face covering on school grounds at all times;
  • Please do NOT come into the school building unless it is an emergency or by prior arrangement.
  • Please keep in contact with us. If you have any worries or concerns, let us know. This could be about your child’s wellbeing or work. We will do our very best to help.

 If you have any suggestions, questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Please rest assured that your children’s wellbeing is always our top priority. I look forward to seeing the children back on the 15th March.

Yours sincerely,

Helen Woodford (Headteacher)



Staggered Arrival and Leaving Arrangements:

 We will stagger entrance and leaving time to the school to minimise interactions and promote essential adult social distancing.


Year group ARRIVAL



Via the same door as arrival

Reception 8.45AM

Reception door

1JE 8.45AM

Usual door

1MF 8.45AM

Main door

2 JB 9.00AM

Usual door

3KR 8.30AM

(Year 3 door)

2/3LM 8.30AM

(Main Entrance)

4AT 8.45AM

(Year 3 door)


4LG 8.45AM

(Main Entrance)

5DG 8.45AM

(Upper Playground door near to hall)


5SP 8.45AM

(Upper Playground door – Year 6 area)

6CN 9.00AM

(Upper Playground door- Year 6 area)


6AC 9.00AM

(Main entrance)

6BG 9.00AM

(Upper Playground door near to hall)




Updates from school

Dear Parents/Carers,

I hope you have all had a restful half term. We are really looking forward to welcoming the Foundation Phase pupils back on Monday and, hopefully, the rest f the school on the 15th March. These are just a few reminders and information for you.

Arrangements for the Foundation Phase (Nursery-Year 2)

 Attendance will be as follows for the first week:


Monday 22nd

Tuesday 23rd

Wednesday 24th

Thursday 25th

Friday 26th



Planning and preparation day

Back as usual


am: half class

pm: half class

am: half class

pm: half class

am: whole class

am: whole class (until 1.15pm)

Back as usual

Year 1 MF and JE

am: half class

pm: half class

am: whole class

(until 1.15pm)

am: whole class

(until 1.15pm)

Back as usual

Back as usual

Year 2: JB and Miss Morgan’s Year 2


am: half class

pm: half class

am: whole class

(until 1.15pm)

Back as usual

Back as usual

Back as usual


Entry and Exit times/doors are as below:

Infant Entry and Exit






Reception door




Usual door




Main Entrance


2 JB


Usual door


Miss Morgan’s Year2


Year 3 door


 Other important points:

  1. Please send your child to school with a named water bottle and a fruit snack in a plastic box;
  1. Windows will be open during the day so it is advisable for all children to wear an extra layer or two of clothing. These can be removed if they get hot. Please name all clothing that comes into school;
  1. We will take opportunities for outdoor learning so please provide your child with a winter coat and sensible shoes.
  1. Breakfast Club will be open for all pupils in Reception- Year 2 and the other children in school. If your child is in Miss Hawes, Miss Evans, Mr Fitchett or Mr Bridgman’s class Breakfast Club will be in the infant hall from 8.15am. Last entry is 8.30am. If your child is in Year 2 in Miss Morgan’s class OR in the Keyworkers/Vulnerable Learners provision Breakfast Club will be in the Junior building opening at 8.15am. Last entry 8.30am.

 Provision for the Children of Keyworkers/Vulnerable learners

This will continue after half term in the JUNIOR building. Please drop your child at 8.15am if they want to come to Breakfast Club or 9.00am if not. They will need to be collected from the main Junior door at 3.30pm. Numbers are very limited so please only request this provision if you have no other option.

Other information: 

  • Please wear a face covering on the school site.
  • If you are exempt from wearing a face covering please contact us to let us know. We may need to ask for medical evidence from a medical professional. I would ask all parents to be sympathetic to anyone not wearing a face covering- they may have a medical reason for this which the school are aware of.
  • Please do not congregate on the school playground. Use the one way systems in place and keep a 2 metre distance when dropping off/collecting your child.
  • If you drop children in Miss Evans, Miss Hawes and Mr Bridgman’s classes, please leave via the back entrance unless you have mobility issues/buggies. In this case, please walk up the DRIVE not the path until you get to the zebra crossing where you can leave via the path around the bus bay. Parents dropping children at nursery and Mr Fitchett’s classes can also leave via the driveway/bus bay.
  • Please keep to the timings for entry to/exit from school. The staggered entry is only useful if pupils do not arrive early or late for school.
  • Please do not send your child to school if they have any possible symptoms of Coronavirus or if any member of the household is symptomatic or waiting for a test result. 
  • If your child is ill, please let the school know. We have to report on all absences at the moment. You can message through Schoop, use the Covid email address if the absence is Covid related or phone the school office
  • An updated risk assessment has been put on the school website.

Take care and stay safe,

 Mrs Woodford

Letter from the Director of Education

Dear Parent / Carer,

You will be aware, I’m sure, that the Welsh Government has announced the phased return to face to face learning for our Foundation Phase learners (3 – 7 year olds) from 22nd February.

We look forward to supporting our schools in their approaches to welcoming children back and ensuring that they benefit from learning and wellbeing provision that will meet their needs following a period of significant disruption. Individual schools will inform parents and carers of local arrangements regarding the phased return of learners and these will be based on considerations that will be pertinent to each setting. However, it is expected that all Foundation Phase learners will have returned to normal provision by the end of that week.

Community transmission rates of COVID-19 in NPT are now significantly lower than they were at the beginning of the year and we would like to thank you for your efforts in exercising behaviours and measures that have impacted so positively on these rates. We would also like to thank all our education workforce for their continued hard work and dedication in ensuring that remote learning and engagement have been sustained during very
challenging times for our pupils. However, we know that even the most effective remote learning provision is not a substitute for the richness of experience that can be gained from face to face engagement. We also know that remote learning is limiting for our youngest learners, who are missing out on theessential foundations for their learning and development.

The reopening of Foundation Phase classes will replace remote learning for learners inthese year groups (Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) and we strongly advise parents /carers to ensure that children attend.

In order that we continue our excellent efforts to contain the virus, we again ask that families continue to use protective behaviours at all times, these include hand washing, wearing of face coverings, surface cleaning, ventilation and social distancing. They remain the most effective and beneficial ways of protecting yourself, your family, your friends and your community.

We strongly request that parents / carers heed the messages provided by the Welsh Government and the local authority to avoid congregating around school settings and to observe the school’s advice regarding children’s dropping off and picking up arrangements. Furthermore, we expect parents / carers and other visitors to wear face coverings on the school site (whether entering the building or otherwise), including at drop-off and pick-up

Similarly, we advise all families that whilst the return of children to Foundation Phase learning is a small and cautious step towards wider reopening, we must continue to exercise the same control measures in our daily lives that will restrict the transmission of the virus, this includes not permitting sleep overs or other household mixing outside of school, and not sending children to school if they have symptoms or have tested positive for COVID-19.

We also advise strict social distancing during the journeys made by families to and from schools each day. School transport will continue to be provided in accordance with eligibility and will be operated in line with national guidelines. Schools will still be expected to provide education for vulnerable children and children of critical workers, and special schools should continue to remain open where possible.

The Chief Medical Officer for Wales has confirmed that evidence suggests that schools have been successful in providing safe environments for children and teachers. We echo that view. We are confident that the control measures applied by our schools have been effective in
ensuring that children can return to their learning in Covid secure environments in accordance with the guidance provided by Welsh Government.
Spring is at hand and I am reminded of St.David’s advocacy to do the little things; we must be consistent and conscientious in our responsibilities to do the little considerate things that can make such a massive difference to people’s lives.

We welcome children’s re-engagement with face to face learning and sincerely hope that this will lead to wider opening very soon. For this to happen, we must continue to work together to live lives that are constantly Covid aware and Covid protective. We all have a responsibility to do these things – the little things that will make such a big difference.

Yours sincerely,
Aled Evans
Director of Education, Leisure and Lifelong Learning,
Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council

Important Information from School

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are really looking forward to welcoming the Foundation Phase pupils back after half term. It will be so lovely to see them learning and having fun with their friends. This letter will give you some information about this return and about the continuation of our provision for Vulnerable Learners and Keyworker’s children.

Arrangements for the Foundation Phase (Nursery-Year 2)

Children will start to attend school from Monday 22nd February as the school is NOT having a preparation day. Attendance will be as follows:

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


Nursery Planning and preparation day Back as usual
Reception am: half class

pm: half class

am: half class

pm: half class

am: whole class am: whole class (until 1.15pm) Back as usual
Year 1 MF and JE am: half class

pm: half class

am: whole class

(until 1.15pm)

am: whole class

(until 1.15pm)

Back as usual Back as usual
Year 2: JB and Miss Morgan’s Year 2


am: half class

pm: half class

am: whole class

(until 1.15pm)

Back as usual Back as usual Back as usual

Your child’s class teacher should have contacted you with the times your child can attend school in the first few days.

Arrangements for entry and exit from school will remain as they were prior to this lockdown. As a reminder children will enter and exit school at the following times/through the following doors:

Infant Entry and Exit

Reception 8.45am

Reception door

1JE 8.45AM

Usual door

1MF 8.45AM

Main Entrance

2 JB 9.00AM

Usual door

Miss Morgan’s Year2 8.45AM

Year 3 door



 Other important points:

  1. Please send your child to school with a named water bottle and a fruit snack in a plastic box;
  2. Ventilation is key to keeping levels of Covid19 down. Therefore windows will be open during the day. We will take account of weather and may adjust the time/amount of open windows but it is advisable for all children to wear an extra layer or two of clothing. These can be removed if they get hot. Please name all clothing that comes into school;
  3. We will take opportunities for outdoor learning so please provide your child with a winter coat and sensible shoes;
  4. The school will update our risk assessment and this will be posted on the school website by the end of half term. This will focus on the key safety points of hand washing, remaining in consistent groups/ bubbles, ventilation, use of face coverings and social distancing;
  5. Breakfast Club will be open for all pupils in Reception- Year 2 and the other children in school. If your child is in Miss Hawes, Miss Evans, Mr Fitchett or Mr Bridgman’s class Breakfast Club will be in the infant hall from 8.15am. Last entry is 8.30am. If your child is in Year 2 in Miss Morgan’s class OR in the Keyworkers/Vulnerable Learners provision Breakfast Club will be in the Junior building opening at 8.15am. Last entry 8.30am.

Provision for the Children of Keyworkers/Vulnerable learners

This will continue after half term in the JUNIOR building. The children will be in Year group ‘bubbles’ and will not mix across year groups.

Please drop your child at 8.15am if they want to come to Breakfast Club or 9.00am if not. They will need to be collected from the main Junior door at 3.30pm.

This provision should only be used by keyworkers who are at work on that specific day. It should not be used if there is any other alternative because numbers are limited and we need to ensure that we provide support to those who need it most. School reserves the right to request a keyworker letter or certificate from employers.

How can parents/carers help?

We have, unfortunately, seen how quickly this virus can spread within a community. We have also seen many members of the school community (staff, pupils, families) who have been very unwell as a result of Covid 19. As a school, our only concerns are to get children back into school and keep the whole school community safe. As such, we need everyone’s support with the following:

  • Please do not come into school without a face covering. These are a protective factor and it is essential that all adults do wear a face mask. We reserve the right to exclude adults not wearing face coverings from the school site. We all find them irritating and uncomfortable but if they help, in any small way, it’s worth it.
  • If you are exempt from wearing a face covering please contact us to let us know. We may need to ask for medical evidence from a medical professional. I would ask all parents to be sympathetic to anyone not wearing a face covering- they may have a medical reason for this which the school are aware of.
  • Please do not congregate on the school playground. Use the one way systems in place and keep a 2 metre distance when dropping off/collecting your child.
  • If you drop children in Miss Evans, Miss Hawes and Mr Bridgman’s classes, please leave via the back entrance unless you have mobility issues/buggies. In this case, please walk up the DRIVE not the path until you get to the zebra crossing where you can leave via the path around the bus bay. Parents dropping children at nursery and Mr Fitchett’s classes can also leave via the driveway/bus bay.
  • Please keep to the timings for entry to/exit from school. The staggered entry is only useful if pupils do not arrive early or late for school.
  • Please do not let your child mix outside school. This is very difficult for them- we know as many of us have young children. However, in school we have very tight controls and no mixing between ‘bubbles’. At sleepovers, parties and play dates this is not the case and we really want to avoid any further closures!
  • Please do not, under any circumstances, send your child to school if they have any possible symptoms of Coronavirus or if any member of the household is symptomatic or waiting for a test result. If you do so, there is a high chance they will pass the virus on to another child or staff member. This is likely to lead to at leastone whole class of 30 children and 2-3 staff members having to self-isolate for 10 days. This will have a negative impact on working parents and family life, as well as the children’s education. In the worst case scenario it could lead to a member of the school community or an elderly/vulnerable relative becoming very ill.
  • If your child is ill, please let the school know. We have to report on all absences at the moment. You can message through Schoop, use the Covid email address if the absence is Covid related or phone the school office



A reminder that all schools have been advised to provide parents with a single email address that they should use to inform head teachers of positive cases of COVID-19.

It is as follows: The email should contain your child’s name, class and a phone number. A member of the school leadership team will contact you as soon as possible after receiving the email.


I apologise for the length and formality of this letter. It is difficult to convey these messages without the danger of ‘teaching your grandmother to suck eggs’! These are strange and difficult times and part of our job is to ensure consistency across the school community. This is a difficult thing to do in writing.

I hope everyone has a lovely half term with lots of fun activities and slightly warmer weather!

Take care and stay safe,


Mrs Woodford

Important Updates from School

Dear Parents/Carers,

As we come to the end of another half term in lockdown, I wanted to write and thank you all again for your support and hard work. It has been a very challenging half term for staff, parents and our pupils but we have been so delighted and impressed with all the work and activities that your children have done over the term. We are also very grateful for the continuing messages of support.

Infant Classes:

As you will know children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will be returning to school on Monday 22nd February. We are very aware that these are our youngest pupils and that they have been absent from school for at least two months. As a result we have organised the return to school as follows in order to ease the children in as gently as possible:









No Nursery

Back as usual

Miss Hawes

am: half class

pm: half class

am: half class

pm: half class

am: whole class (until 12.00 noon)

am: whole class (until 1.15pm)

Back as usual

Mr Fictchett and Miss Evans

am: half class

pm: half class

am: whole class

(until 1.15pm)

am: whole class

(until 1.15pm)

Back as usual

Back as usual

Mr Bridgman and Miss Morgans Year 2 children only


am: half class

pm: half class

am: whole class

(until 1.15pm)

Back as usual

Back as usual

Back as usual

You child’s class teacher will contact you to let you know whether your child is in the morning or afternoon group as soon as possible.

School start and finish times and entry doors are as they were before Christmas. I will send a reminder of these over the next few days along with arrangments for reducing the risks of transmission of Covid 19 on school premises.

Pupils using the school bus

The school bus will run as normal from the 22nd February and your children can use it to get to school whether they are in the infant classes or in the childcare provision. However, it will only run at the beginning and end of the school day so, if your child is doing a half day in school, they will need to be brought to/collected from school by parents/carers at lunchtime/1.15pm for the first few days.

Junior Classes:

For those children in the junior classes online learning will continue as it is now. Class teachers will be splitting their time between organising home learning and being in school to supervise the keyworkers’ children and vulnerable learners. On the days they are in school messages may not be answered as quickly as they will be in class.

Keyworkers’ / Vulnerable Learners Provision:

This will move to the Junior building after half term (22nd February) and pupils will be organised into two class/year group ‘bubbles’. After half term please bring your child to the main junior door at 8.15am for Breakfast Club or 9.00am if you do not wish to use Breakfast Club.

We are very busy in this provision and are now near to maximum numbers. We are very happy to provide this service, but must ask that you only use it if you have no other option. For example: children should not be in school if you are working at home or if a partner/other parent is available to take care of the children. The reason for this is to ensure that we can offer places to all keyworkers who genuinely need it. The school reserves the right to ask for letters/keyworkers certificates from employers so that we can ensure the places are prioritised effectively.

If you are a keyworker and need childcare for your infant child in the first week after half term on the mornings/afternons they are not in school, please let the school office know so we can arrange staffing. This should only be used if you have been using the childcare provision since January. 

Many thanks for your continuing support,

Mrs Woodford