Updates from school

Dear Parent/Carers,

I hope this message find you all well. I have some information and news for you regarding the rest of this term and the next academic year.


Classes next year will be as follows:




Nursery (mornings)

Miss Williams


Miss Roberts


Miss Hawes

Year 1

Mr Fitchett

Year 1/2

Miss Evans

Year 2

Mr Bridgman

Year 2/3

Miss Morgan

Year 3

Mr Parton

Year 4

Miss Todd

Year 4

Mrs George

Year 5

Mr Gillett

Year 5

Mrs Gittins

Year 6

Mrs Neal

Year 6

Miss Clemes

You will note that Mrs Kneath and Mr Parvin are not on the above list. Sadly, they are both leaving us in August. Mrs Kneath has decided to focus on other activities, whilst Mr Parvin has been successful in gaining the Deputy Headteacher role in Catwg Primary School. We would like to thank them both for their hard work and wish them all the best for the future.

Also leaving us is Mrs Hill who is retiring. Again, many thanks for all your hard work over the years and the best of luck to you.

We will miss all three of you very much.


Once again, the school has come under fire from a small minority of parents on the Parent’s Facebook Page for not holding a Sports Day, not having photographs and not having Parent’s Evenings this year.  This is hugely disappointing as we are relying on the support of parents in this difficult time. Each school is different in terms of size, building, staffing levels so each school has had to make their own arrangements regarding organisation this year. It has been no easy task at all and we are constantly reviewing our risk assessment.

To clarify the points raised:

  • I had a meeting with other Headteachers from across NPT yesterday when this was discussed in detail so know that all schools have not had Parents Evenings, Sports Days and photographs this year. Some have managed photographs, some have had phone/Team consultations with parents and a few are having a version of Sports Day, depending on their individual risk assessments.
  • We are following LEA advice not to have a Sports Day with parents in attendance/ mixed class bubbles. We could have had individual class sports days but this seemed pointless as it would be similar to a P.E. lesson! Instead, as mentioned in previous messages, we are arranging a Fun Day for each class in the last week of term.
  • Legally, schools need to report to parents twice a year with one meeting and one end of year report. Traditionally, we have always had an extra Parents’ Evening in February as we value the partnership with parents. Face to face meetings are not possible this year (again we are following LEA Advice) and in February we were closed to pupils. Teachers did ring pupils regularly throughout this time and spoke to parents as well. In the Autumn Term teachers provided short written statements to parents and offered follow up phone calls if wanted. This term all parents will receive a school report again with the opportunity to speak to teachers with any queries. We will also organise a face to face Parents’ Evening as soon as we are able in the Autumn Term .
  • In addition to this, the teachers in Crynallt have direct access to parents via class dojo and have sent out literally thousands of messages this year. This is not offered by all other schools.
  • We have always had school photographs in September and were obviously unable to do this last year. However, a photographer has been booked for this coming September, when we hope we can offer individual photographs in a socially distanced way.

Please note, all of us in school want things to be back to normal as well and you can be assured that, as soon as we are able, events will be reinstated.


Monday 12th-Thursday 15th July:

Activities week for Year 6 pupils

Monday 12th July:

Transition activities for the children with their next class teacher

Reports and 2021-2022 class allocations sent home

Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th July:

Fun day for the children (each class will be allocated a session outside)

Thursday 15th July

Last day in school for pupils

Friday 16th July

INSET Day- no school for pupils. Staff receiving mandatory safeguarding training.

Thursday 2nd September and Friday 3rd September:


Monday 6th September

First Day back in school for pupils.


Please don’t heesitate to contact the school office with any queries or suggestions.

Take care,

Mrs Woodford


School News 15th June

Dear Parents/Carers,

I hope you are all enjoying the lovely weather- fingers crossed it will last for a while. The children are certainly enjoying using the outdoor area for learning.

I have a few reminders and some information/news for parents:


We are delighted that numbers of the virus are so low. However, we do not want to relax our routines and processes too soon, especially given the new Delta variant which is giving some concern. Given this, I need to remind parents that the wearing of masks on school grounds is mandatory, unless you are medically exempt and we may need proof of this. As things stand we do have a very small number of parents who have informed us that they are medically exempt but a lot more who are not wearing face coverings.  Some of our children are living with people who are still vulnerable and we want to ensure the safety of all our school community.  The vast majority of parents are supporting us with this but we do need 100% support. As a last resort we could refuse access to adults who are choosing not to wear a mask- we really don’t want to do this!

Next Academic Year

We are currently finalising the class structure for next year and completing reports for the children. Some dates for your diary are:

Monday 12th July:

Transition activities for the children with their next class teacher

Reports and 2021-2022 class allocations sent home

Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th July:

Fun day for the children (each class will be allocated a session outside)

Thursday 15th July

Last day in school for pupils

Friday 16th July

INSET Day- no school for pupils. Staff receiving mandatory safeguarding training.

Pupils arriving late

Please sign your child in at the main office if they are late to school. This is important for safety reasons, to ensure they have lunch and to make sure you don’t get a phone call to ask where they are from office staff!

Parent Questionnaire

This will be closing soon and we would love your views. The link for this is: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Ug4_TzS3ZEGUCRtgHRR5k80RKNmy-2dNkjDB5qGCmN9UMlFMS1JVSDQ1SEtSUEFNODk5RUJCUFNBUyQlQCN0PWcu

Take care,

Mrs Woodford

School News

Dear Parents/Carers,

The children have settled back really well after half term and we are really looking forward to a fun filled and productive final half term.


I have written before about the New Curriculum for Wales which is statutory from September 2022. As a school we have been working on this for several years as a Curriculum Pioneer School for the Welsh Assembly Government so we are fortunate that the Covid pandemic has not set us back too much.  We are now looking at our school vision to update it in line with the curriculum changes. We would love your views and would be grateful if you could complete our questionnaire. It can be found by following the link below:


More information about the new curriculum can be found on the school website.


The parking issues in the streets around the school have become quite serious with numerous complaints to ourselves and the Local Authority. Cars are parking on double yellow lines, blocking driveways and pavements as well as dropping children off and reversing out into the main road. We want to maintain good relationships with our neighbours who are understandably frustrated when trying to leave their homes. More importantly, I am seriously concerned that someone may get hurt or there could be an accident so can I ask everyone to please park with consideration when dropping children to school.


We have continued to develop the grounds and have been really lucky to receive a donation of plants from the Cimla Tesco.

Many thanks from us all.

Latest News from School


Dear Parents/Carers,

As we come to the end of a half term I wanted to write with some updates, reminders and curriculum news. We have been so proud of the children. The vast majority of them have dealt with these strange times so well and they are a credit to you all. The new nursery pupils have also settled in beautifully and Miss Williams has asked me to say how pleased she is with all of them.

We have been really busy developing the school grounds and the garden areas are looking lovely. Year 3 and 4 have been working hard on the ground next to the ramp and it is really coming together! The infant area has also benefited from work and painting and is looking so much better. Well done to everyone! We would still be very grateful of donation of plants so we can continue this work.

The work on rich tasks is continuing with Year 3 designing eco-friendly bags and t shirts! I think we have some future designers in school! They have also written some lovely reports on turtles to show off their spelling and writing skills. I really enjoyed reading them.

I have a few very important reminders for parents:

  • Please refrain from using Facebook to complain about members of staff. This is not appropriate as staff are not able to reply. Almost without exception, comments made are inaccurate and can be hurtful. If you have any issues please contact me directly.
  • We have had numerous complaints from residents about parents parking/dropping off dangerously in Trevallen Avenue/ by the school gates, often reversing into the main road. Can I ask that you take care to drop off/park in a way that has minimal impact of local residents and ensures the safety of all our pupils?
  • We are very concerned about the number of nursery pupils running up the drive at the end of the morning session. They are ahead of their parents and cannot see a car coming from around the staffroom. Cars can also not see them and we really want to avoid a child being hit. As there is only one class leaving at this time, there will be minimal crossing on the path so it would be far safer to walk up the path when the morning nursery are collected.
  • Dogs are not permitted on school grounds
  • The situation with Covid 19 is improving but it has not yet ‘gone away’. Schools in Cardiff and Porthcawl have had numerous cases which have resulted in hundreds of children and staff self-isolating. For this reason it is very important that we continue to wear a mask, socially distance and observe the one way system in school. Hopefully things will return to normal in September.

The Annual Report to Parents from the Governing Body is now on the website. It can be found under the Our School Tab, then Governors. If you would like a paper copy, please let the school office know and we can provide one.

We are continually reviewing the Covid 19 risk assessment. With the drop in cases we can now allow birthday cakes to be brought into school as long as they are shop bought and sealed when they come in. They will only be shared within a class bubble.

Thank you again for the support and consideration shown to staff over the past 18 months. It has made a real difference to us all and we appreciate each and every message of support.  Have a lovely half term and we will see the children back in school on Tuesday 8th June.

Best wishes,

Helen Woodford

Latest News from School

Dear Parents/Carers,

I hope this message finds you all safe and well. School is beginning to feel more settled now and the children continue to enjoy learning and seeing their friends despite the weather. We hope, as the term goes on, that restrictions will be lifted further and we can move towards ‘normal’ in school.

Curriculum News:

The children in the infants have been busy tidying up the playground, painting and planting. They have been making the most of our lovely outdoor areas undertaking activities such as pond dipping, Forest Schools and minibeast hunts.

In the juniors children have been learning about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and plastic pollution. They are now planning for this term’s rich tasks! More news on these will follow in the next few weeks.

We have been very lucky to receive a grant for an outdoor classroom which will be situated on the top junior yard. This will provide opportunities for all the children to learn outside under cover! We are really excited about it.

Key Covid reminders:

  • Please don’t send your child into school with anything except a named water bottle and plastic fruit boxes/ lunchbox. Pupils travelling on the bus can use a carrier bag if they are struggling to manage these items. If your child is in the juniors and is walking home alone they can also bring their mobile phone but this must be kept in the central office during the school day.
  • Please continue to wear face coverings and use the one way system in school
  • Please continue to let us know if your child is unwell and do not send them to school if they, or any household member, has a temperature, cough or change to taste/smell.


Neath and Port Talbot Message about School Attendance Video:

School brings about so many opportunities for young people to gain experiences that will set them up for life. Whether that is becoming a doctor, a teacher, an artist, a builder or a great sportsperson, to name but a few, school is essential to all young people, no matter what career path they decide to follow.

During the pandemic, the School Welfare Service spoke with some children and others to ask them a few questions about their time in school. Find out more about how our Education Welfare Service can support parents who may be experiencing difficulty in ensuring that their children attend school regularly: Here are links to the video.




Complaints about school:

Fortunately, we have very few complaints and very many parents have been supportive of the school, especially over the past 18 months. Despite this, we know that parents will be unhappy sometimes. We are always ready to listen and take responsibility if we have made a mistake. However, we have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to the verbal or physical abuse of staff. This could result in the school taking legal advice and parents being asked to stay off the premises.

Please ensure that, if you do have an issue with school that you approach it in a controlled and polite manner at all times. On the very rare occasion that you remain unhappy, we have a Complaints Policy which we will provide for you.

Class Dojo

Class Dojo was brought in as a way to keep parents in contact with teachers, to celebrate achievements and to pass on messages. However, following a few incidents recently I would like to remind parents of the following:

  • Teachers have this app on their personal mobile phones so the messages come through at any time of day, on weekends and in the evening. For this reason it is very important that unpleasant comments or complaints are not sent via dojo. Staff will not respond to complaints via Class Dojo. We do have a Complaints Policy and Mrs Bridgman and I are available to speak to if you have an issue.
  • You may receive an answer to a Class Dojo message late in the evening or on weekends but please don’t rely on this.
  • It is also very unlikely that the teacher would see a message or be able to respond to this message during teaching time. Teachers may be in meetings, out of school, working with children or we may have ICT issues. Also, there is sometimes a delay in you sending messages and us receiving them.
  • Please ring the school office if you have an urgent message for/about a child during the school day.


We have been asked to remind you that Beavers, Cubs and Scouts have now restarted in the Clive Roberts Hall in Cimla Crescent. Arrangements are as follows:

Beavers (5.5 – 8) Wednesdays 5.30 – 6.45pm
Cubs (8 -11) Tuesday 6pm – 8pm
Scouts (11-14) Wednesday 7pm – 9pm


Once again, can I thank you for all your support and kind messages over the last 18 months? Please do not hesitate to contact us with any ideas or suggestions and take care,

Mrs Woodford

Latest News from School

Dear Parent/Carers,

We are now settled back into school after the Easter break. The children have been brilliant. They are coping with the restrictions in school, working and playing hard! I have several updates and pieces information for you, some of which (miraculously!) are not about Covid!

New Curriculum

The new curriculum for Wales is now well under way in school and it has changed the way in which children are learning. The focus is on skills and learning mindsets. More information about this can be found on the school website under the Curriculum tab. There is also a short YouTube clip below:


Our topics this term are:

Foundation Phase: The Enchanted Forest

Key Stage 2: Kids Against Plastic

Welsh Lessons:

‘Clwb Cwtsh’  is a chance to start learning Welsh for free on-line over 8 weeks and it will be restarting in May! Please go to www.meithrin.cymru/clwb-cwtsh for more details if you are interested. Everything will be available online and is FREE. 

School grounds:

Although the weather has taken a turn for the worst over the past few days, we have been working hard outside, planting, weeding and painting. We are now hoping for donations of plants that we can use throughout the school grounds. If you are ‘green fingered’ and have any cuttings or you are happy to drop a plant into school we would be very grateful. We will accept anything- vegetables, flowers, bushes etc. The site is so large we will always have a space!


We are delighted that numbers of the virus are so low. However, we do not want to relax our routines and processes too soon, especially given the new variants. Given this, can I please remind parents that the wearing of masks on school grounds is mandatory, unless you are medically exempt and we may need proof of this? The vast majority of parents are supporting us with this but we do need 100% support. As a last resort we could refuse access to adults who are choosing not to wear a mask- we really don’t want to do this!

Mobile phones

We have been very strict about not allowing children to bring anything in from home. However, with cases dropping we are, very cautiously, looking at our risk assessment. As a result, we will allow mobile phones into school for safety reasons only e.g. a child is walking home from school alone. The following guidelines apply:

1) Phones should only be brought into school for JUNIOR pupils who are walking home alone

2) The school takes no responsibility for lost or damaged phones

2) All phones must be put into a box as children come into school in the morning and will be kept centrally during the school day. Each class will have their own box to avoid cross contamination.

Thank you for your continued support.

Warm regards,

Mrs Woodford


News from school

Dear Parents/Carers,

It has been a lovely start to the term and the children have really enjoyed being back in school with their friends. The weather has been so nice that we have really loved being outside.

The topics in school this term are:


The Enchanted Forest

They will be learning about fairy stories, minibeasts and trees.


Kids against Plastic

They will be learning about materials, plastic pollution and our seas.

Covid 19

Of course, we are still very aware of the situation with Covid 19 and, although vaccinations will undoubtedly help, the virus hasn’t gone away. We are so grateful to vast majority of parents who are wearing masks on site, following the one way system and socially isolating.

Children are naturally very open and we have had many stories about sleepovers, play dates and parties! As a parent myself, I appreciate the affect this lockdown has had on children but, if they mix outside school, we are increasing the risk of the spread of Covid 19. This is especially so in children as they are often asymptomatic.

It is also very important that if your child is asked to self-isolate they do so. It is so tempting to take them out, especially with this glorious weather but, again, your child may be well in themselves but still carry the virus. A negative test result does not mean that your child is not contagious or that they will not develop symptoms during the rest of the self isolation period.

It feels as if we may be nearing the end of these strange and difficult times due to the warm weather, vaccinations and low rates of the virus. However, the impact of new variants is unknown so it is important that we continue to pull together as a community so we can maximise the chance of everyone staying well, a good summer and school staying safe and open!

A few reminders/pieces of information:

  • We have noticed a number of scooters appearing on the school site. Please do not allow your child to ride a scooter or bike on site because of the risk to other people, especially during the busy drop off and pick up times.
  • Dinner money arrears are taken from the school budget so please ensure you pay in good time
  • We have been very lucky to receive a grant to pay for playground markings. The upper junior yard now has a racing circuit training track and the infants have a new counting snake and shapes and numbers!
  • Freya Thomas (Year 6) has won the story writing competition run by Jeremy Miles (AM). She is now the proud owner of a Kindle Fire! Her story is really moving and represents the feelings of young people during this pandemic. I am sure that you would love to read her story and it seems like a lovely way to end this newsletter so here it is!


The Story Of Hope

Longingly, I gazed at a family photograph which included my Grandparents for I had not seen them for months and months. I wished I could run up to them and give them a great big cwtch, but I had to make do with zoom calls, which my Grandparents just could not get accustomed to. Constantly informing my Nana to unblur her background and my Grandpa would freeze in the most unflattering poses. When will this horrible time end? My Mums voice interjected into my thoughts as she repeatedly hollered “Freya, Freya, Freya!” I was awoken from my daydream startled. “It’s the most beautiful day for a hike, the sun is shining come on let’s go.” stated my Mum.

 A few moments later, we finally got out the door as we followed the pavements leading us through the back of our estate down into the Gnoll. We trekked the trails tirelessly until we reached the fourth pond. Eagerly we turned right through a gate which was as decorative as the Queen’s crown to begin our ascent up the robust road to the brow of the hill. Wearily slogging on up the hill that was as steep as a 90-degree angle looking almost impossible to climb. Soon we reached the summit my legs felt like jiggly jelly.

 What a sensational view!  It took my breath away just how beautiful the scenery looked.  Stretched out ahead of us like soldiers in a parade were rows upon rows of dark green pine trees.  Tucked in behind them were dozens of wind turbines standing like skyscrapers.  We continued along a roughshod route across a ramshackle track which led us down an uneven, rocky road through the whimsical Welsh countryside. I used my stick to steady myself as we descended the zigzag trail until eventually, we stumbled upon a river.

 A few seconds later, the river meandered, majestically through the magnificent mountainside, glistening and twinkling in the Autumnal sunshine, splashing and sploshing upon the slippery steppingstones.  My Dad beckoned me to the riverside to try and get across.  By now my brother had already leapt like a salmon in and out of the river to the other side although his shoes wet and soggy.  In the blink of an eye we were all safely across.  Squelching through the thick oozy mud leaving deep imprints of our footprints on the track we carefully choose our next step.

Suddenly I heard a whoosh above my head.  I glanced upwards to see the most majestic creature.  It swooped and soared through the sky.  “It’s a marsh harrier” declared my brother observantly.  “I’ve longed to see one of those!”  We watched in wonder and amazement; this magnificent scarce bird rarely seen around here shouted out to me that hope was not lost.

Maybe I will get to see my Grandparents after all…

Can nature really conquer all?

Information for parents except for class 4T

Positive Case of Covid 19

Please find below a letter from Track, Trace and Protect. Only children from Miss Todd’s class have been affected and a separate letter has gone to their parents/carers.

Monday 29th March 2021 

Dear Parent or Carer,

Re: Information regarding a confirmed case of coronavirus in a pupil at Crynallt Primary School, Afan Valley Road, Cimla, Neath, SA11 3AZ 

NHS Wales Test, Trace, Protect has been informed of a confirmed case of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in Crynallt Primary School. 

Crynallt Primary School, remains open for pupils after the Easter Break. It is working closely with Public Health Wales, the Local Authority and NHS Wales Test, Trace and Protect to ensure that all the appropriate measures are in place to protect students, staff and the wider community. This letter is to inform you of the current situation and to provide advice on how to support your child.

 All close contacts of the case have been identified and have received appropriate advice to self-isolate. Your child has not been identified as a close contact and therefore does not need to self-isolate and does not require testing for COVID-19. They can continue to attend Crynallt Primary School, as usual.

 However, as a precaution, please be alert for any symptoms of COVID-19:

  • A new or continuous cough
  • A high temperature
  • A loss of or change to sense of smell or taste

If your child develops any of these symptoms, even if they are mild: 

  • Book a test for them by phoning 01639 862757 or 119 or through the online portal: https://www.nhs.uk/ask-for-a-coronavirus-test
  • Inform Crynallt Primary School that they are unwell with COVID-19 symptoms and that you have requested a test
  • Your child should self-isolate for 10 days from when their symptoms started
  • All other household members should isolate for 14 days from when your child developed symptoms
  • Do not visit a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital but if you require medical advice please contact NHS 111 or telephone your GP; if there is a medical emergency phone 999
  • Please follow the advice provided when your child receives their test result

To reduce the risk of COVID-19 spreading, there are things that everyone in your family can do to help. These include:  

  • washing hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds
  • using hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
  • washing hands as soon as they get home
  • covering their mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve (not their hands) when they cough or sneeze
  • putting used tissues in the bin immediately and washing hands afterwards


Further information on symptoms and self-isolation can be found here https://gov.wales/symptoms-and-self-isolation-contact-tracing

Further formation on Test, Trace, Protect can be found here https://gov.wales/test-trace-protect-coronavirus

 For general information on COVID-19 https://gov.wales/protect-yourself-others-coronavirus   

The COVID-19 online symptom checker can tell you if you need medical help and advise you what to do https://gov.wales/check-if-you-need-coronavirus-medical-help 


With best wishes

Helen Woodford (Headteacher)

Information for parents with children in Miss Todd’s class ONLY

Dear Parent/Carer,

As you will know by now, there has been a confirmed case of Covid 19 in 4T. Having spoken to Track, Trace and Protect, I can now confirm that all the children and staff in that class have been identified as close contacts and will need to self-isolate. The dates and details of this can be found in the letter below.

I have highlighted a section of the letter which is new. This section recommends that your child is tested for Covid 19 on Day 1 and Day 8 of the self-isolation period. If you wish to arrange this, the first test they should be as soon as possible and the second one should be undertaken on Friday 2nd April.

I will be in school tomorrow so if you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to ring. 

All the best,

Mrs Woodford


Letter from Track, Trace and Protect:


Date: Monday 29th March 2021

Dear Parent or Carer,

Re:    Contact of confirmed case of COVID-19 in a pupil in 4T in Crynallt Primary School

NHS Wales Test, Trace, Protect trace everyone who have been in contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 (Coronavirus).

Your child has been identified as a contact of a confirmed case of COVID-19 and will now need to self-isolate for 10 days from Thursday 25th March 2021. By identifying contacts and asking them to self-isolate for 10 days, we will reduce the possible spread of COVID-19 from those contacts to their family, friends and the wider community.

Self-isolation advice requires your child to stay at home, not to go outdoors to exercise, to visit shops, family or friends, or to other public spaces. Please do not invite people to your house. Further information on self-isolation can be found in the link at the bottom of this letter.

If your child remains well then the other members of the household do not need to isolate and can continue with their normal activities. If your child is still well at the end of the 10-day period of self-isolation, they can return to Crynallt Primary School after the Easter break and their other usual activities on Monday 5th April.

This 10-day period of self-isolation cannot be reduced by having a test.  If you have a test and test negative, you must continue to self-isolate until the end of your isolation period as a contact of a confirmed case.

To reduce the risk of COVID-19 spreading, there are things that everyone in your family can do to help. These include:

  • washing hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds
  • using hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
  • washing hands as soon as they get home
  • covering their mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve (not their hands) when they cough or sneeze
  • putting used tissues in the bin immediately and washing hands afterwards


Please be alert for symptoms of COVID-19 in your child, which are:

  • A new or continuous cough
  • A high temperature
  • A loss of or change to sense of smell or taste


If your child develops any of these symptoms, even if they are mild:

  • Book a test for them by phoning 01639 862757 or 119 or through the online portal: https://www.nhs.uk/ask-for-a-coronavirus-test
  • Inform Crynallt Primary School that they are unwell with COVID-19 symptoms and that you have requested a test
  • Your child should remain in self-isolation
  • All other household members should isolate for 10days from when your child developed symptoms
  • Do not visit a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital but if you require medical advice please contact NHS 111 or telephone your GP; if there is a medical emergency phone 999
  • If you require medical advice for COVID-19 symptoms or another reason, please inform the healthcare worker that your child is a contact of a case of COVID-19 and in self-isolation
  • Please follow the advice provided when your child receives their test result


If your child does not have symptoms:

If your child has not tested positive in the last 90 days, your child is advised to get a test (day 1 of isolation) and another test 2 days before the end of self-isolation (day 8). This is because symptoms may still develop within this time period and it is still possible to infect other people with the virus. If the test is positive you will be contacted by TTP again to make sure your child and household have support to self-isolate.


Further formation on Test, Trace, Protect can be found here https://gov.wales/test-trace-protect-coronavirus

Further information on symptoms and self-isolation can be found here https://gov.wales/symptoms-and-self-isolation-contact-tracing

For general information on COVID-19 https://gov.wales/protect-yourself-others-coronavirus 

The COVID-19 online symptom checker can tell you if you need medical help and advise you what to do https://gov.wales/check-if-you-need-coronavirus-medical-help 


With best wishes,


Helen Woodford (Headteacher)