Admissions Information for Reception
Please see information below from NPT council about admissions for children who are due to start Reception in September 2025
Admissions Information
Please see information below from NPT council about admissions for children who are due to start Secondary School in September 2025
Asthma Awareness
Did you know that 59,000 children have asthma in Wales? We are pleased to support
@asthmalungcymru #AsthmaAtSchool campaign today and display their new poster to help raise
awareness of what to do if a child has an asthma attack.
CAHMS Coffee Morning

CAMHS School In Reach Coffee Morning!! Thursday 21st September 9am in the Upper School Building.
We are pleased to be working with Kelly Austin again this year from the CAMHS In Reach Service. We have arranged this coffee morning so anyone who is interested can meet Kelly. It will be a time to chat with her about emotions and well-being and to hear about the workshops and support on offer this year.
Everyone is welcome and we hope to see you there!
Meet the Teacher Sessions
You will have the opportunity to meet your child’s teacher in a short meeting, where general information will be shared about the class, routines, and expectations for the forthcoming term/year. All meetings will be held in your child’s classroom and information will be shared via Dojo for families who are unable to attend.
Tuesday 12th Sept:
Nursery AM 11:15-11:30am
Nursery PM 3:15-3:30pm
Reception-Year 2 2:50 – 3:20pm
Wednesday 13th Sept:
Year 3 – Year 6 2 :50 –3:20pm
Monster Movie Night

We are holding a Monster Movie Night on Wednesday 26th October for years Reception to Year 6. This will be a non-uniform day. Full details can be found on Schoop.
Macmillan Coffee Morning

Thank you so much to everyone who supported our MacMillan coffee morning. With your help we raised £1157.