Updated Information

Dear Parents/Carers,

Firstly, I would like to thank the large majority of you who have worked so hard with us to make school drop offs and collections as safe as possible. Despite some early teething problems on the lower junior playground we now seem to be in a routine that is working quite well.

As with anywhere at the moment, there are a small minority of adults dropping off/collecting who are finding the new routines challenging. Staff are available to support with this but we are unable to correct every adult who is walking the wrong way or not adhering to social distancing. I have had a few queries about this, largely asking why small numbers of adults are not following procedures and if so, why everyone else has to? My response is that the more of us who work to follow exits and entry procedures, follow the one-way system and bring children to school at the correct time, the safer the school is for the children, staff and all our families. As such, I would ask you to continue to keep to the rules regardless of anyone who is not. We will continue to encourage and remind adults of these rules in the hope that 100% of the school community follow them. This is a difficult and challenging time for everyone and it looks as if this ‘new normal’ will be with us for a long time so please continue to support us.

General reminders about this are:

1) You should not be dropping children to school early unless they have siblings who have an earlier start time. We are having children arriving in school at 8.10am for an 8.30am start and others who are due to start school at 9.00am being dropped at 8.40am. This defeats the purpose of staggered entry and exit times and reduces the chance of successful social distancing;

2) Please do not come on to the school grounds early to collect your child. Today, we have had several parents on site 15-20 minutes before their child is due to finish school. Again, this makes social distancing difficult;

3) Parents who drop off children in Years 1 and 2 should be entering school at the main entrance and leaving through the back entrance UNLESS they have buggies or mobility issues. This is to reduce congestion at the main gate and assist with social distancing;

3) Parents who drop children at the junior yard should leave via the path next to the bus bay (marked with blue arrows) so avoiding parents who are entering the yard.

My Child is Unwell, what shall I do?

There is a very good, short video by a doctor on the Parent’s Facebook Page explaining when to be concerned about symptoms. The three main symptoms to watch out for are:

1) A dry, continuous cough. This does not include a cough that is part of a cold so if your child has the ‘sneezes’, a runny nose etc they should be fine to attend school.

2) Loss of or change to taste or smell;

3) A high temperature. This counts as a possible symptom even if you think your child has an ear or throat infection. They will need a Covid 19 test anyway.

If your child has any of these symptoms of Covid 19 they must be kept home until you can arrange a test. If this is the case please inform the school immediately. The whole household should self-isolate for 14 days so please do NOT send siblings to school. If the test comes back negative all your children can return to school immediately unless your child has had known contact with someone who has had a confirmed case of Covid 19. If this is the case they must remain home for 14 days.

Other information:

  • The topics the children are learning about this term are:


        Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2: Dinosaurs
        Years 3, 4, 5 and 6: Spies and Gadgets


  • We are hoping to restart Breakfast Club for all pupils by the end of September. More information aboutt his will follow.

Many thanks for your continuing support,

Mrs Woodford

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